bulma-tagsinput copied to clipboard
Uncaught TypeError: BulmaTagsInput.attach is not a function
I've been battling with this weird error for some time now. Wonder if anyone can help. Basically I have this code:
<div class="control">
<input class="input" data-type="tags" data-item-text="name" data-item-value="numericCode" data-case-sensitive="false" value="" type="text" name="job[skill_list]" id="job_skill_list" />
What I want to do is add the dynamic data, and I'm using the default test data for now. If I try this
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var tagsInputElem = document.getElementById('job_skill_list');
new BulmaTagsInput(tagsInputElem, {
source: async function(value) {
// Value equal input value
// We can then use it to request data from external API
return await fetch("https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/name/" + value)
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}, false);
Nothing happens, and no errors in console. The input field is just a regular input field. So I tried to attach only, and got the not a function error
if($('.tagsinput').length == 0 ) {
var tagsinput = BulmaTagsInput.attach();
It's a Rails app, and the BulmaTagsInput seems to be loading fine. Below is line from application.js.
BulmaTagsInput = require('@creativebulma/bulma-tagsinput')
And here is the Yarn.lock snippet
version "1.0.3"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@creativebulma/bulma-tagsinput/-/bulma-tagsinput-1.0.3.tgz#bbf38aad9a4ed0f04f2baa7832b21679cdc54462"
integrity sha512-uQg0KEBcvEmSfwozv2EkFtqai1+pwOgunt3YLlADjRuyKXQePcR3nPW4EDnLMsCt9XlDr4RLu5pcp3XwHIhaOQ==
Sorry for the long ticket. Any idea what could be wrong?
@basharabdullah what does it print if you do console.log(BulmaTagsInput)