
Results 37 comments of 狂男风

它这个太复杂了。如果要开发抓包,也许做个到远端 http 代理的隧道,也就是 tunnel to remote http proxy,可能会更简单一些。 远端就是 Charles、Fiddler 这种的。

The last version of `AccSettings` had some issues with installing/updating acc, the fix will be released in the next version (but not soon). Until then, when using `AccSettings`, you can...

If `resume` is set to 80 and `pause` is set to 3200, it is invalid, right? So we need to make them in the same units, right? The two-unit format...

When `resume` is set to 80 and `pause` is set to 3200, the `pause` voltage converted to capacity is 17. I say it's invalid to emphasize that it doesn't meet...

I just learned that the formula I was using was incorrect. The power-voltage is not a linear relationship. And there is no universal formula for devices. So to avoid abnormal...

It is not difficult to implement this functionality. Start a background service that reads the battery status every few seconds, compares it with the previous status, and pops up a...

The scheduled tasks feature of acca is a wrapper for [djs](https://github.com/VR-25/djs). I'm sorry I don't use this feature and don't understand how it works. So I have no plan to...

大部分延迟测试时卡住、网络中断的原因,除了设备性能,运营商限制最大连接数也是个很重要的因素。超过了运营商设置的最大连接数就会被运营商强制踢掉线。我估计 #238 也是这个问题。 解决办法是把 `-n` 协程数(也就是并发连接数)设置得小一点。但这样延迟测试耗费时间就会比较长。 或者 @XIU2 你考虑一下要不提供个开关跳过延迟测试,直接从速度测试开始。

@XIU2 443 能通的 IP 不一定能用。除了假墙,可能的原因还有:作为中间传输节点、某些地区专用的 IP,某些网站专用的 IP。后两种情况甚至 HTTP 也是通的,但是访问到的其实是个报错页面(我原先写过一个用 HTTP OPTIONS 探测是否可用的脚本,就在这个问题上踩了坑)。 虽然 `ip.txt` 中已经将中间传输节点初步排除,不过 Cloudflare 的路由实际上是动态变化的。 所以在我的实际使用中,最终还是依赖速度测试。(为了快速完成测试,我使用了小文件。这样虽然测速不精确,但是至少可以保证筛出的IP是可靠的。) 如果要实现纯速度测试逻辑,确实要重建 IP 选取的逻辑。之前是从延迟测试的结果中从高到低挨个测速。纯速度测试就只能随机选取 IP 了。如果你觉得增加了这个软件的复杂度的话,那我还是考虑另写吧。

> > > ``` > "hostname": "gulf.moneroocean.stream", > "algo": "cn/r", > ``` > > after worker connect > > proxy send to pool all supported algo and power > >...