QTalarm copied to clipboard
Very stubborn tray icon not following theme
### Image of problematic behavior
Hardcode-Tray version : v4.3 git
Distribution : openSUSE tumbleweed KDE
Gtk version : 3.0
Sni-qt version: Patched sni-qt Community 0.2.8.git.1496001340....
Application name : QTalarm
Application version : 2.1.0
Hello, as this app uses a binary QRC icon set, it is not easily changed to a monotone white or dark as instructed by Hardcode-Tray script and patched SNI-QT, or being changed manually, either in my icon directories before, during, or after compiling.
[](trayIcon->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("qtalarm-tray", QIcon(":/new/icons/Clock.png")));
If possible, please add an option to to use the tray icon from theme, as well as fallback. Am glad for this app and have a difficult time waking up without it :anguished:
I've created a test branch called "mono" that should allow you to manually change the tray icon to monotone. Obviously creating an icon theme is the best way to go about this (just learned this was a thing thanks to your bug report), but at the moment I don't have enough time to dedicate to it. I'll probably end up merging this branch into master sometime in the next few days, and hopefully I can dedicate some time in December to properly add theme detection.
Glad the app is working for you. I'm still amazed something I (poorly) cobbled together 10 years ago gets as much use as it does.