HackMan icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HackMan copied to clipboard

🤖🔜🤯 Stop writing boilerplate code yourself. Let hackman do it for you via the command line.



Swift Package Manager compatible License MIT

HackMan is a simple tool for generating boilerplate code directly via the command line.

Let hackman do the boring work and save some time. Hackman is heavily inspired by the rails command.


Clone and build

git clone [email protected]:Cosmo/HackMan.git
cd HackMan
swift build -c release

Add hackman executable to your PATH.


or make it persistent

For zsh Users (default on macOS Catalina)

echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$(pwd)/.build/release\"" >> ~/.zshrc

For bash Users (default on macOS Mojave)

echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$(pwd)/.build/release\"" >> ~/.bash_profile


New Project

# Create new project directory including a "project.yml" for xcodegen
hackman new APP_NAME

# Change into your project directory


Run these generators inside of your project directory.

# Create an AppDelegate
hackman generate app_delegate

  --coordinator, -c
    Adds coordinator support

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create an empty AssetCatalog
hackman generate asset_catalog

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a LaunchScreen-Storyboard
hackman generate launch_screen

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a ReusableView protocol and useful extensions for UICollectionViews and UITableViews
hackman generate reusable_view

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a Coordinator protocol
hackman generate coordinator

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a MainCoordinator
hackman generate coordinator_main NAME NAME …

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files

    Include ViewControllers that were not generated via scaffold.
    Names must be separated with commas. Spaces between names are not allowed.
# Create a Child-Coordinator with the given name
hackman generate coordinator_child NAME

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a Model with the given name and properties
hackman generate model NAME [PROPERTY[:TYPE] PROPERTY[:TYPE]] …

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a UIViewController-Subclass with the given name
hackman generate view_controller NAME

  --coordinator, -c
    Adds coordinator support

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a ViewControllerCollection (UIViewController-Subclass with a UICollectionView) and UICollectionViewDataSource
hackman generate view_controller_collection NAME [PROPERTY[:TYPE] PROPERTY[:TYPE]] …

  --coordinator, -c
    Adds coordinator support

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a UICollectionViewCell-Subclass with the given namen and properties as UILabels
hackman generate collection_view_cell NAME [PROPERTY[:TYPE] PROPERTY[:TYPE]] …

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a ViewControllerTable (UIViewController-Subclass with a UITableView) and UITableViewDataSource
hackman generate view_controller_table NAME [PROPERTY[:TYPE] PROPERTY[:TYPE]] …

  --coordinator, -c
    Adds coordinator support

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a UITableViewCell-Subclass with the given namen and properties as UILabels
hackman generate table_view_cell NAME [PROPERTY[:TYPE] PROPERTY[:TYPE]] …

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a ViewControllerDetail (UIViewController-Subclass) with the given namen and properties as UILabels
hackman generate view_controller_detail NAME [PROPERTY[:TYPE] PROPERTY[:TYPE]] …

  --coordinator, -c
    Adds coordinator support

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a UIViewController-Subclass with a UIWebView
hackman generate view_controller_web

  --coordinator, -c
    Adds coordinator support

  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create a UIViewController-Subclass with entry points for legal documents
hackman generate view_controller_information

  --coordinator, -c
    Adds coordinator support
  --force, -f
    Force override existing files
# Create Model, UICollectionView/UITableView Extensions, UIViewController with UICollectionView/UITableView, ViewControllerDetail, ChildCoordinator, Coordinator Protocol and ReusableView Protocol
hackman generate scaffold NAME [PROPERTY[:TYPE] PROPERTY[:TYPE]] …

# By default, the scaffold will be UICollectionView based.
# In order to create UITableView based scaffolds, pass the --view=table at the end.
# Like so:
hackman generate scaffold song title:string year:int --view=table

  --coordinator, -c
    Adds coordinator support
  --force, -f
    Force override existing files

You can also write hackman g instead of hackman generate.


When creating scaffolds, models, controllers you can also specify multiple fields to be generated automatically

hackman g scaffold author name:string birthday:date

This commands creates among other things a struct of type Author with the following properties.

    let name: String
    let birthday: Date

You can also reference to your custom types.

hackman g scaffold Article title:string body:string published_at:date author:author

This will generate the following properties inside of the Article model.

    let title: String
    let body: String
    let publishedAt: Date
    let author: Author

If you omit the property type, hackman assumes you want a property of type String.

hackman g scaffold article title body published_at:date author:author

An example of a fully working app

hackman new MusicApp
cd MusicApp
hackman g app_delegate --coordinator
hackman g asset_catalog
hackman g launch_screen
hackman g scaffold artist name --coordinator
hackman g scaffold song title year:int --coordinator
hackman g scaffold album name uuid artist:artist created_at:date updated_at:date --coordinator
hackman g view_controller_information --coordinator
hackman g coordinator_main song artist album --include=information
open MusicApp.xcodeproj




  • Xcode 10
  • Swift 5


  • [ ] Easier setup
  • [ ] Easy support for custom generators
  • [x] Add help (-h / --help)
  • [ ] SwiftUI based templates
  • [ ] Generator for localization



HackMan is released under the MIT License.