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Fix tiling issue in
Raster tiler is missing a few tiles while creating the chips. Rounding the profile["transform"]
to 3 decimal places is creating the issue of chips overwrite, changing this to 6 decimal places fixes the issue.
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@rbavery I was able to reproduce the test errors locally.
The array values are different for tiles in
- tests/data/rastertile_test_fill_nodata_expected/
- tests/data/rastertile_test_fill_nodata_result/
Visually they look similar but array values are different.
We are just changing the precision for file names, everything else remains the same. Is it because we changed from
- opencv-python>=4.1
+ opencv>=4.5.5
@srmsoumya looking at your recent commit and just a heads up, using opencv
appears to be what works for recent releases so I think we should stick to that. See