Cole Gerdemann
Cole Gerdemann
I honestly have no idea. It was sort of an up in the air thing from a Reddit thread. If you want to work on it don't worry about the...
the yeah, looks good! If you can create some code that will track the user's sleep when activated and return data somehow I would be happy to work on creating...
I have exactly the same problem as @Vitexus ... I suspect this is somehow an Ansible error, but I don't know how to debug that
Actually, this playbook works fine if ran via the command line Ansible. It just fails using semaphore. `ansible-playbook -i inventory_2147483572 --step -e "ansible_user=pi ansible_ssh_pass=" repository_2_7/setup-ssh-tunneling.yml` This command works perfectly in...
it even works with the bundled version of Ansible.. just not in the web ui `/root/snap/semaphore/common/ansible_env/bin/ansible-playbook -i inventory_2147483572 --step -e "ansible_user=pi ansible_ssh_pass=" repository_2_7/setup-ssh-tunneling.yml`
@Driaan I switched to using rundeck. it has an Ansible plugin and runs great. Using your system Ansible install etc and I just love it. would recommend
I also have this question
I was not aware the stealth plugin was already implemented! that was my main use case, I implemented it manually with a JS file on new document load. This is...
I would like to be able to send generated PDF files directly through Telegram to a user upon a command. Any way we can work on this?
this commit from a fork that supported uploading videos and photos may be helpful: