> It is impossible to destroy ESP8285 by flashing! > But it is possible it was not flashed correctly. You can try some other flashing method. > > You can...
``` ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7) load 0x40108000, len 3056, room 16 tail 0 chksum 0xd7 load 0x3fffb000, len 992, room 8 tail 8 chksum 0xd7 csum 0xd7▒"xn▒▒9▒9▒9▒▒9▒9▒▒9▒...
BTW, I tried flashing back to original fw using "flash_download_tools_v3.6.8" from espressif. Didn't seem to make any difference so i went back to esptool. Should I try this to flash...
It also prints this when i go from LOW to HIGH on pin 8 (wifi_en): ``` ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,7) load 0x40108000, len 3056, room 16 tail...
Okay, so i watched while it does "Check and set device baudrate" and I get unknown chars. I have no idea what baud it is trying to use. I have...
> ���� > ============================== > LoBo ESP8266 Bootloader v1.2.0 > ============================== > Flash map: 2, 1MB (512+512) > Flash mode: DOUT, [ESP8285] > Reset reason: POWER_ON > > Loading configured...
This is what i get when booting or when toggle wifi_en.value 0 > 1 ``` 14:33:55.651 -> ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,6) 14:33:55.651 -> 14:33:55.651 -> load 0x40108000,...
I just ordered a new board, maybe i can read the flash from it and flash this one back to stock? IDK.
Hey, i just realized something.. The "ESP DOWNLOAD TOOL" reports that the ESP8285 has: ``` flash vendor: 51h : N/A flash devID: 4014h QUAD;8Mbit crystal: 40 Mhz ``` Could this...
i feel stupid, just realized that. Somehow i just did esptool read_flash for to 0x800000 tho lol.