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The next generation Minecraft launcher core written in C# providing the freest, fastest and the most complete experience.



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The next-generation Minecraft launcher core written in C# providing the freest, fastest and the most complete experience.

Developed and maintained by Corona Studio.



Multi-Platform Support

Currently we are working on the multi-platform support for ProjBobcat

Platform Status
Linux WIP



[Ad] An Awesome Typescript Launcher Core

Repo Link

All you need for minecraft launcher in typescript.

Reminder before installation

  • Because Projbobcat uses tons of latest language features and data structures from .NET Core and .NET 5+. As the result, you need to switch you project target to at least .NET 5 or above to use this package.

  • Due to the limitation of the default number of connections in .NET, you need to manually override the default number of connections to ensure that some methods in <DownloadHelper> are executed normally. You can add the following code in App.xaml.cs or the entry point of the program to complete the modification (The maximum value should not exceed 1024)

     using System.Net;
     ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 512;


There are two methods for the first step:

  • Clone and copy ProjBobcat's source code to your solution folder, then add ProjBobcat's reference to your project.
  • Directly install ProjBobcat via Nuget Package Manager or simply execute
    Install-Package ProjBobcat
    in Package Manager Console.

After the step above is completed, you need to add two lines of code into your program's entry point (App.xaml.cs or something else):



Function Status
Offline Auth Model
Online Auth Model (Yggdrasil)
Online Auth Model (Microsoft)
Version Isolation
launcher_profiles.json Analysis
launcher_accounts.json Analysis
Nuget Distribution
Old Forge Installation Model
New Forge Installation Model
Optifine Installation Model
Fabric Installation Model
LiteLoader Installation Model
Resource Auto Completion (Multi-thread downloader)
Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Support (Detector and launcher)
Game log resolver
Game crashing detector WIP


Please note: ProjBobcat requires non-32-bit preferred compilation in your main project.

ProjBobcat provides 3 main components & a core to form the whole core framework.

Class Parent Interface Parent Class Function
DefaultGameCore IGameCore NG All Implementations of the Default Launch Core
DefaultLaunchArgumentParser IArgumentParser LaunchArgumentParserBase The Default Argument Analysis Tool
DefaultLauncherProfileParser ILauncherProfileParser LauncherProfileParserBase The Default launcher_profiles.json Analysis Module
DefaultVersionLocator IVersionLocator VersionLocatorBase Game Version Locator

Selective components:

Class Parent Interface Parent Class Function
DefaultResourceCompleter IResourceCompleter NG All Implementations of the Default Resource Completer

Quick Startup

Java Detection

var javaList = ProjBobcat.Class.Helper.SystemInfoHelper.FindJava(); // Returns a list of all java installations found in registry.

Core Initialization

var core = new DefaultGameCore
  ClientToken = clientToken,
  RootPath = rootPath,
  VersionLocator = new DefaultVersionLocator(rootPath, clientToken)
    LauncherProfileParser = new DefaultLauncherProfileParser(rootPath, clientToken),
    LauncherAccountParser = new DefaultLauncherAccountParser(rootPath, clientToken)
  GameLogResolver = new DefaultGameLogResolver()

Game Scaning

List<VersionInfo> gameList = core.VersionLocator.GetAllGames().ToList();

Resource Completion

//Here we use mcbbs' download source, change the uri to meet your need.
var drc = new DefaultResourceCompleter
    ResourceInfoResolvers = new List<IResourceInfoResolver>(2)
        new AssetInfoResolver
            AssetIndexUriRoot = "",
            AssetUriRoot = "",
            BasePath = core.RootPath,
            VersionInfo = gameList[0]
        new LibraryInfoResolver
            BasePath = core.RootPath,
            LibraryUriRoot = "",
            VersionInfo = gameList[0]

await drc.CheckAndDownloadTaskAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

Here are some events which you could bind to your program.

Name Method Signature Refers to
GameResourceInfoResolveStatus (object sender, GameResourceInfoResolveEventArgs e) Resolver status
DownloadFileChangedEvent (object sender, DownloadFileChangedEventArgs e) All files download status changed
DownloadFileCompletedEvent (object sender, DownloadFileCompletedEventArgs e) Single file download completed

Launch Configuration

var launchSettings = new LaunchSettings
    FallBackGameArguments = new GameArguments // Default game arguments for all games in .minecraft/ as the fallback of specific game launch.
        GcType = GcType.G1Gc, // GC type
        JavaExecutable = javaPath, //The path of Java executable
        Resolution = new ResolutionModel // Game Window's Resolution
            Height = 600, // Height
            Width = 800 // Width
        MinMemory = 512, // Minimal Memory
        MaxMemory = 1024 // Maximum Memory
    Version = versionId, // The version ID of the game to launch, such as 1.7.10 or 1.15.2
    VersionInsulation = false // Version Isolation
    GameResourcePath = Core.RootPath, // Root path of the game resource(.minecraft/)
    GamePath = path, // Root path of the game (.minecraft/versions/)
    VersionLocator = Core.VersionLocator // Game's version locator

launchSettings.GameArguments = new GameArguments // (Optional) The arguments of specific game launch, the undefined settings here will be redirected to the fallback settings mentioned previously.
    AdvanceArguments = specificArguments , // Advanced launch arguments
    JavaExecutable = specificJavaExecutable, // JAVA's path
    Resolution = specificResolution, // The window's size
    MinMemory = specificMinMemory, // Minimum Memory
    MaxMemory = specificMaxMemory // Maximum Memory

Here are some events which you could bind to your program.

Name Method Signature Refers to
GameExitEventDelegate (object sender, GameExitEventArgs e) Game Exit
GameLogEventDelegate (object sender, GameLogEventArgs e) Game Log
LaunchLogEventDelegate (object sender, LaunchLogEventArgs e) Core Log

Define Auth Model


launchSettings.Authenticator = new OfflineAuthenticator
    Username = "Username"
    LauncherAccountParser = core.VersionLocator.LauncherAccountParser // launcher_profiles.json parser


launchSettings.Authenticator = new YggdrasilAuthenticator
    LauncherAccountParser = core.VersionLocator.LauncherAccountParser
    Email = "[email protected]", // Registered E-mail address on Mojang authentication server.
    Password = "password"


var result = await Core.LaunchTaskAsync(launchSettings).ConfigureAwait(true); // Returns the launch result


MIT. This means that you can modify or use our code for any purpose, however copyright notice and permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of your software.


ProjBobcat is not affiliated with Mojang or any part of its software.

Hall of Shame

Here we'll list all programs using our code without obeying MIT License.