CopilotChat.nvim copied to clipboard
Chat with GitHub Copilot in Neovim
Copilot Chat for Neovim
[!NOTE] Plugin was rewritten to Lua from Python. Please check the migration guide from version 1 to version 2 for more information.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Neovim stable (0.9.5) or nightly.
- tiktoken_core:
sudo luarocks install --lua-version 5.1 tiktoken_core
. Alternatively, download a pre-built binary from lua-tiktoken releases - You can check your Lua PATH in Neovim by doing
:lua print(package.cpath)
. Save the binary
in any of the given paths.
return {
branch = "canary",
dependencies = {
{ "zbirenbaum/copilot.lua" }, -- or github/copilot.vim
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, -- for curl, log wrapper
opts = {
debug = true, -- Enable debugging
-- See Configuration section for rest
-- See Commands section for default commands if you want to lazy load on them
See @jellydn for configuration
Similar to the lazy setup, you can use the following configuration:
call plug#begin()
Plug 'zbirenbaum/copilot.lua'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'CopilotC-Nvim/CopilotChat.nvim', { 'branch': 'canary' }
call plug#end()
lua << EOF
require("CopilotChat").setup {
debug = true, -- Enable debugging
-- See Configuration section for rest
- Put the files in the right place
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/pack/copilotchat/start
cd ~/.config/nvim/pack/copilotchat/start
git clone
git clone
git clone -b canary
- Add to your configuration (e.g.
require("CopilotChat").setup {
debug = true, -- Enable debugging
-- See Configuration section for rest
See @deathbeam for configuration
:CopilotChat <input>?
- Open chat window with optional input -
- Open chat window -
- Close chat window -
- Toggle chat window -
- Reset chat window -
:CopilotChatSave <name>?
- Save chat history to file -
:CopilotChatLoad <name>?
- Load chat history from file -
- Show debug information
Commands coming from default prompts
- Write an explanation for the active selection as paragraphs of text -
- Review the selected code -
- There is a problem in this code. Rewrite the code to show it with the bug fixed -
- Optimize the selected code to improve performance and readablilty -
- Please add documentation comment for the selection -
- Please generate tests for my code -
- Please assist with the following diagnostic issue in file -
- Write commit message for the change with commitizen convention -
- Write commit message for the change with commitizen convention
local chat = require("CopilotChat")
-- Open chat window
-- Open chat window with custom options{
window = {
layout = 'float',
title = 'My Title',
-- Close chat window
-- Toggle chat window
-- Toggle chat window with custom options
window = {
layout = 'float',
title = 'My Title',
-- Reset chat window
-- Ask a question
chat.ask("Explain how it works.")
-- Ask a question with custom options
chat.ask("Explain how it works.", {
selection = require("").buffer,
-- Ask a question and do something with the response
chat.ask("Show me something interesting", {
callback = function(response)
print("Response:", response)
-- Get all available prompts (can be used for integrations like fzf/telescope)
local prompts = chat.prompts()
-- Get last copilot response (also can be used for integrations and custom keymaps)
local response = chat.response()
-- Pick a prompt using
local actions = require("CopilotChat.actions")
-- Pick help actions
-- Pick prompt actions
selection = require("").visual,
Default configuration
Also see here:
debug = false, -- Enable debug logging
proxy = nil, -- [protocol://]host[:port] Use this proxy
allow_insecure = false, -- Allow insecure server connections
system_prompt = prompts.COPILOT_INSTRUCTIONS, -- System prompt to use
model = 'gpt-4', -- GPT model to use, 'gpt-3.5-turbo' or 'gpt-4'
temperature = 0.1, -- GPT temperature
question_header = '## User ', -- Header to use for user questions
answer_header = '## Copilot ', -- Header to use for AI answers
error_header = '## Error ', -- Header to use for errors
separator = '---', -- Separator to use in chat
show_folds = true, -- Shows folds for sections in chat
show_help = true, -- Shows help message as virtual lines when waiting for user input
auto_follow_cursor = true, -- Auto-follow cursor in chat
auto_insert_mode = false, -- Automatically enter insert mode when opening window and if auto follow cursor is enabled on new prompt
clear_chat_on_new_prompt = false, -- Clears chat on every new prompt
context = nil, -- Default context to use, 'buffers', 'buffer' or none (can be specified manually in prompt via @).
history_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/copilotchat_history', -- Default path to stored history
callback = nil, -- Callback to use when ask response is received
-- default selection (visual or line)
selection = function(source)
return select.visual(source) or select.line(source)
-- default prompts
prompts = {
Explain = {
prompt = '/COPILOT_EXPLAIN Write an explanation for the active selection as paragraphs of text.',
Review = {
prompt = '/COPILOT_REVIEW Review the selected code.',
callback = function(response, source)
-- see config.lua for implementation
Fix = {
prompt = '/COPILOT_GENERATE There is a problem in this code. Rewrite the code to show it with the bug fixed.',
Optimize = {
prompt = '/COPILOT_GENERATE Optimize the selected code to improve performance and readablilty.',
Docs = {
prompt = '/COPILOT_GENERATE Please add documentation comment for the selection.',
Tests = {
prompt = '/COPILOT_GENERATE Please generate tests for my code.',
FixDiagnostic = {
prompt = 'Please assist with the following diagnostic issue in file:',
selection = select.diagnostics,
Commit = {
prompt = 'Write commit message for the change with commitizen convention. Make sure the title has maximum 50 characters and message is wrapped at 72 characters. Wrap the whole message in code block with language gitcommit.',
selection = select.gitdiff,
CommitStaged = {
prompt = 'Write commit message for the change with commitizen convention. Make sure the title has maximum 50 characters and message is wrapped at 72 characters. Wrap the whole message in code block with language gitcommit.',
selection = function(source)
return select.gitdiff(source, true)
-- default window options
window = {
layout = 'vertical', -- 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'float'
width = 0.5, -- fractional width of parent, or absolute width in columns when > 1
height = 0.5, -- fractional height of parent, or absolute height in rows when > 1
-- Options below only apply to floating windows
relative = 'editor', -- 'editor', 'win', 'cursor', 'mouse'
border = 'single', -- 'none', single', 'double', 'rounded', 'solid', 'shadow'
row = nil, -- row position of the window, default is centered
col = nil, -- column position of the window, default is centered
title = 'Copilot Chat', -- title of chat window
footer = nil, -- footer of chat window
zindex = 1, -- determines if window is on top or below other floating windows
-- default mappings
mappings = {
complete = {
detail = 'Use @<Tab> or /<Tab> for options.',
insert ='<Tab>',
close = {
normal = 'q',
insert = '<C-c>'
reset = {
normal ='<C-l>',
insert = '<C-l>'
submit_prompt = {
normal = '<CR>',
insert = '<C-m>'
accept_diff = {
normal = '<C-y>',
insert = '<C-y>'
yank_diff = {
normal = 'gy',
show_diff = {
normal = 'gd'
show_system_prompt = {
normal = 'gp'
show_user_selection = {
normal = 'gs'
For further reference, you can view @jellydn's configuration.
Defining a prompt with command and keymap
This will define prompt that you can reference with /MyCustomPrompt
in chat, call with :CopilotChatMyCustomPrompt
or use the keymap <leader>ccmc
It will use visual selection as default selection. If you are using lazy.nvim
and are already lazy loading based on Commands
make sure to include the prompt
commands and keymaps in cmd
and keys
prompts = {
MyCustomPrompt = {
prompt = 'Explain how it works.',
mapping = '<leader>ccmc',
description = 'My custom prompt description',
selection = require('').visual,
Referencing system or user prompts
You can reference system or user prompts in your configuration or in chat with /PROMPT_NAME
slash notation.
For collection of default COPILOT_
(system) and USER_
(user) prompts, see here.
prompts = {
MyCustomPrompt = {
prompt = '/COPILOT_EXPLAIN Explain how it works.',
MyCustomPrompt2 = {
prompt = '/MyCustomPrompt Include some additional context.',
Custom system prompts
You can define custom system prompts by using system_prompt
property when passing config around.
system_prompt = 'Your name is Github Copilot and you are a AI assistant for developers.',
prompts = {
MyCustomPromptWithCustomSystemPrompt = {
system_prompt = 'Your name is Johny Microsoft and you are not an AI assistant for developers.',
prompt = 'Explain how it works.',
Customizing buffers
You can set local options for the buffers that are created by this plugin: copilot-diff
, copilot-system-prompt
, copilot-user-selection
, copilot-chat
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', {
pattern = 'copilot-*',
callback = function()
vim.opt_local.relativenumber = true
-- C-p to print last response
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-p>', function()
end, { buffer = true, remap = true })
Quick chat with your buffer
To chat with Copilot using the entire content of the buffer, you can add the following configuration to your keymap:
-- lazy.nvim keys
-- Quick chat with Copilot
local input = vim.fn.input("Quick Chat: ")
if input ~= "" then
require("CopilotChat").ask(input, { selection = require("").buffer })
desc = "CopilotChat - Quick chat",
Inline chat
Change the window layout to float
and position relative to cursor to make the window look like inline chat.
This will allow you to chat with Copilot without opening a new window.
-- lazy.nvim opts
window = {
layout = 'float',
relative = 'cursor',
width = 1,
height = 0.4,
row = 1
Telescope integration
Requires telescope.nvim plugin to be installed.
-- lazy.nvim keys
-- Show help actions with telescope
local actions = require("CopilotChat.actions")
desc = "CopilotChat - Help actions",
-- Show prompts actions with telescope
local actions = require("CopilotChat.actions")
desc = "CopilotChat - Prompt actions",
fzf-lua integration
Requires fzf-lua plugin to be installed.
-- lazy.nvim keys
-- Show help actions with fzf-lua
local actions = require("CopilotChat.actions")
desc = "CopilotChat - Help actions",
-- Show prompts actions with fzf-lua
local actions = require("CopilotChat.actions")
desc = "CopilotChat - Prompt actions",
Roadmap (Wishlist)
- Use indexed vector database with current workspace for better context selection
- General QOL improvements
Installing Pre-commit Tool
For development, you can use the provided Makefile command to install the pre-commit tool:
make install-pre-commit
This will install the pre-commit tool and the pre-commit hooks.
Contributors ✨
If you want to contribute to this project, please read the file.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!