RMDateSelectionViewController copied to clipboard
Tap "Select" before spinning ends, return pre-edited value
This might be Apple UIDatePicker issue as well.
While the picker is animating, if user tap on "Select", UI seems wait for a while to let datePicker settle down to the final value, but the return value will still show the original value.
Tried capturing value through UIControlEventValueChanged, seems it able to return the final value even if DateSelectionViewController is dismissed.
I'm not sure how it could be patched in the component itself since UIDatePicker doesn't expose much info about the UI. Maybe you have some better idea.
My control asks the UIDatePicker for the selected date right after the user taps select. At that time the animation is still running and thus no new date has been selected.
At the moment I have no real idea how to fix this. UIDatePicker does not tell anyone when the animation has been finished. If anyone has a idea, please tell me :)
Dealing with this as well: https://github.com/CooperRS/RMPickerViewController/issues/50
It seems like an OS-level issue and my only thought is maybe (as a workaround) perhaps during the animation of the view disappearing... the picker could remain allocated somewhere so that the animation could finish and the actual correct choice can be registered?
That, or just putting an actual time delay on it. I wouldn't want to mess up the UX, but it's sort of messed up already to be honest.