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"/setblock" command doesn't work D:

Open ClarkWolfang opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

Hi, i'm owner of a rp server and i love otherdrops plugin, it is full of possibilities and i consider it a "must-have" plugin in every server ^^ But, yesterday, I tried to make an "interaction" which places a custom head in front of you ("Consumable" with right click)

I don't know if this was solved in OtherDrops 3.2.7beta (If that's the case, my apologies) I'm using 3.2.2 because 3.2.6 doesn't work with WorldGuard

This was the drop config i used:


  • trigger: RIGHT_CLICK tool: GOLD_NUGGET lorename: "&eGold coin" consumetool: 1 region: cafe01 command: /!*setblock -1767 75 -350 minecraft:skull 1 replace {Owner:{Id:"97a48b0e-10fe-4eb5-8b92-698883130fca",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2VhMGY3NzU3MTg1YmU5ZGY1YjJmYzlkODVkNDA2NDJlYTRmZGI0NTE1ZjMxNGRhMThmNTljNjk2ZTViZTkifX19"}]}},SkullType:3,Rot:0} message.attacker: "&a[Man]&fThank you!

But when I trigger the drop, it just gives me the message and nothing else I tried using /setblock ~ ~ ~ dirt But it doesn't work either

Alternatives you considered: I considered using the command /give instead and setting a lore name to the item, but I would like to use the /setblock command because it gives me so many ideas!

( english is not my main language, but I tried my best ) Thanks for your attention n-n

ClarkWolfang avatar Mar 21 '20 19:03 ClarkWolfang