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MERN stack website serving as a platform for book renting with least costs involved as one needs to pay just shipping & minimal day wise rental charges.
MERN website serving as a platform for Book Renting with least costs involved as one needs to pay just shipping & minimal day wise rental charges.
Technologies Used:
- Front End : ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Back End : NodeJS, ExpressJS, JWT
- Database : MongoDB
- Login, Signup
- Search for a book
- Title, Category, Author/ Publication per se
- Discover trending books
- Filter functionality
- View Profile and Update
- View Past renting orders/ transaction details
Lesse (Who wants to put book on rent)
- Lease/ put a book on rent (as a Lesse)
- Select Book from Database that you want to make avl for renting
- Period Avl
- Add a new book to make it available for renting based on
- Book Title, Author, Publication
- Period to be put on Rent (Date - FROM, TO)
Renter (Who pays rent for the book)
- Rent a book (as a Renter)
- Checking availibility - based on period wanted for
- Estimate Total Cost = [ 2* Shipping Price + Daily renting rate x Number of days ]
- Pay & Rent
UI Design/ Layout:
Back-end Plan:
Installation and Execution:
For development, you will only need Node.js installed on your environement. And please use the appropriate Editorconfig plugin for your Editor (not mandatory).
For additional Setup info check: