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Add MiniImagenet to the Benchmarks
We should add MiniImagenet to the benchmarks. It's been used here: https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.10486
This may be a good starting point: https://github.com/yaoyao-liu/mini-imagenet-tools They also have a link to a drive with all the processed images!
However, there doesn't seem to be an official static and long-term reliable download URL...
@vlomonaco what do you think? Considering that we don't have an official download URl we may just use the base ImageNet dataset and then subset+transform its patterns.
I think at this stage whatever is faster to implement it's better, we will fix it afterwards in case it breaks! :-P
the Dataset has been added in #291 ... we should create a "classic" benchmark based on the setting proposed in this paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.10486
@Mattdl can you add the "classic" benchmark based on your latest paper maybe? :)
We actually used the preprocessed MiniImagenet data in an AvalancheDataset, but as @lrzpellegrini mentioned, there is no official download URL for this preprocessed data.
Yes, but I was asking about the "classic" benchmark, not the dataset itself. Since you have more experience with it maybe you can propose an high-level method to easily generate that benchmark.
I'll first take a look to see if I can be of help there (: I'll keep you posted here.
Due to prioritizing some other open issues and NeurIPS coming soon, I probably won't have time until the NeurIPS deadline.. Feel free to assign this one to another enthusiast (: