```json "fullMatch": true, "ocrReplace": [ [ "
I have no idea what is going on with that index. All the choices MAA is making are wasting Index without any reason. Choosing to fight at the 4th floor...
It's almost as if the Stage vertical has the same priority as normal stages
Regarding uye's comment about the index in the encounters, I just reached Bob's Emporium, and I had 0 index. MAA tried clicking all options before clicking the last one(0 indexoption)...
@HX3N Let's transfer here :). Easier to have all the infos in an issue. This, still baffles me. ```py [2024-03-15 14:40:43.388][INF][Px870][Tx0970] Assistant::append_callback | SubTaskStart {"class":"asst::RoguelikeFoldartalUseTaskPlugin","details":{},"subtask":"RoguelikeFoldartalUseTask","taskchain":"Roguelike","taskid":7,"uuid":"5c67b16a8af5066f"} [2024-03-15 14:40:43.388][TRC][Px870][Tx0970] asst::RoguelikeFoldartalUseTaskPlugin::_run | enter...
For some reaosn I couldn't find the log of the StrategyChange for the 4th floor... Nowhere to be found.
```py [2024-03-15 19:48:51.930][TRC][Px4630][Tx2504] asst::WordOcr [{ Bob's Emporium 1 is completely false. ```json "name": "鲍勃杂货店", "option_num": 3, "choose": 1, "choices": [ { "name": "选择他脚边的货品", "option_num": 3, "choose": 2, "requirements": [ {...
This, still happens every single time. I can't understand why it would not work. I can't find any major differences between EN and KR in the tasks to answer this...., same thing at 47:05 @HX3N very important, related to this With 4 anti interference, according to the encounters, MAA should choose the last options, but it selects the...
```json "name": "沼泽里的抽泣声", "option_num": 3, "choose": 1 ``` MAA chose option 1, but after that it completed killed the run as it had no idea what it was doing (???)...