```c++ size_t asst::PlayToolsController::get_pipe_data_size() const noexcept { return size_t(); } size_t asst::PlayToolsController::get_version() const noexcept { return size_t(); } ``` Instead of size_t(); I can just a placeholder value. ```c++ size_t asst::PlayToolsController::get_pipe_data_size()...
This was marked as question, but it's more of an issue. Send gui and asst log please :)
The stranger thing is that BiliBili arknights never has any issues, even when the screen is supposedly off
I think I'm going crazy, now the issue is in the office, for some reason it was looking for Whisperain  But it never entered the office.
@ABA2396 I just noticed. Even after correctly selecting the operators, MAA will return.png return.png return.png even confirm the PopoutConfirm, exit the infraststructure and re enter the infrastructure, and will not...
So what happens is that when MAA enters the infrastructure, it doesn't pick all of the reward, only the first one. The reward gives a notification that completely covers the...
Now in the trading post it just had to reselect the operators that were in the base, switching only Bibeak with Kafka. It only selected Kafka for some unknown reason...
> The crash on startup is a mumu issue, this has been confirmed with them, I feel a better approach would be to stretch the wait time after starting the...
> Timer and manual trigger call the same function, as usual there is no difference, more likely to be the computer rest screen after the power saving mode) Yeah I...
@ABA2396 Wanted to let you know that it was all my fault to begin with. I made the Task Scheduler turn on the screen whenever MAA starts and runs. The...