Constantin Bugneac

Results 59 comments of Constantin Bugneac

@scaytrase wrapping in try catch doesn't work. It just continues to run the pipeline. ```groovy try { notifyBitbucket( stashServerBaseUrl: 'https://*******', .... ) } catch (Exception e) { echo 'Exception occured:...

+1 would be nice to have this

I had to issue `AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=false docker pull ....` to make it work.

Hi @bai , any chance to review this PR ?

@oleg-nenashev done. Tested locally - slave successfully connects to master using username/password. ``` jenkins-slave | Warning: JnlpProtocol3 is disabled by default, use JNLP_PROTOCOL_OPTS to alter the behavior jenkins-slave | Jan...

I have checked both files the `blackbox-admins.txt` and the `blackbox-files.txt` and they do not have any Windows like CR characters inside. The version of `gnupg` installed on MacOS: ```shel $...

Thanks @TomOnTime @tlimoncelli for helping out. It looks like the root cause was the MacOS shell behaviour (tested in iTerm at least) which converts directories starting with capital letter to...

I don't think the filesystem has changed during upgrade. Here is what I've got now: ``` $diskutil list /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.3 GB...

I'm facing a problem with [kubeval]( when trying to validate K8s helm chart. Kubernetes version 1.19.5. ```bash helmfile template | kubeval --strict ERR - kubernetes-dashboard/templates/ingress.yaml: Failed initializing schema Could...

> It doesnt look like such a big overhead to update schemas so I am wondering why this repo is not being updated anymore and PRs are not merged. I'm...