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refresh chart labels when using API/Ajax [QUESTION]
i am using consoletvs/charts:6.* with laravel 9 i want to refresh labels and data when calling ajax request
Hi friend, did you find a solution?
Hello, good afternoon, how are you?
I have the same problem.
I am using laravel chart by API/Ajax. But I have a problem.
When loading for the first time, you see he shows me every month in the lebels.
but after updating the graph.
I only want to show in the lebels the months February March April and May
I don't want to show every month it doesn't work for me that way. Is there a way to update the lebels.??
Studying the code a bit I could see that currently Laravel Chart does not update the Labels by API The file where I saw it was in
I add an image.
I can request to be able to collaborate in the project to see if I can make it possible to update the labels. Greetings thank you
I came across this post: it uses ConsoleTVs/Charts as a base and some helper components to reload the graph with AJAX, i tried it and found out it gives me this error:
Attempt to read property "id" on null, file wan-speed-tests.blade.php, line 5 <div wire:ignore wire:key={{ $chart->id }}>
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Hi guys, I know how to fix it. I already know how to update the labels. I would like permission to upload the applied update. In the same way I leave here a print of the edited code.
Let's go first to the file:
and the code is like this. Annex Print original code
an if (count($this->labels) >= 1) {} is performed to ask if there are new labels if the old ones are not left.
Now in the file.
the code is like this.
Annex Print original code
Now the edited code looks like this.
Annex Print edited code
Now in line 9 the variable data is equal to
data = data.datasets;
and in the lines 36 37 38 39
update as the info comes
{{ $chart->id }}.data.datasets = data.datasets;
if (data.labels) {
{{ $chart->id }}.data.labels = data.labels;
Now I show you how it looks. as I had it before you can see the screen prints in this comment
And the new way is now.
Initial charge
updating via ajax
It only brings me the labels that I want to show. I only wish that the account administrator could upload those changes, that would be very good.