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Orchestrate deployment scripts kubernetes example

Codefi Orchestrate

Orchestrate is a platform that enables enterprises to easily build secure and reliable applications on Ethereum blockchains.

It provides extensive features to connect to blockchain networks:

  • Transaction management (transaction crafting, gas management, nonce management, transaction listening)
  • Account management with private key storage in Hashicorp Vault
  • Smart Contract Registry
  • Multi-chain & Multi-protocol (public or private)

For more information, refer to the Orchestrate documentation.


  • Codefi Orchestrate
  • Deployment overview
  • Compatibility
  • 1. Requirements
    • 1.1. CLI tools
  • 2. Installing Orchestrate
    • 2.1. Quickstart
    • 2.2. Delete Orchestrate
    • 2.3. Advanced configuration
  • 3. Hashicorp Vault
  • 4. Upgrading
    • 4.1. From Orchestrate v2.5.X to v21.1.X
    • 4.2. From Orchestrate v2.1.X to v21.12.X

This repository contains an implementation example on how to deploy Orchestrate and an optional Vault server using Kubernetes and Helm charts.

This chart used to help deploy Orchestrate dependencies :

  • Kafka
  • Postgres
  • Redis
  • Quorum-key-manager
  • Vault-operator

It is now your responsibility to deploy all these separately. You will find relevant information related to these deployments or managed solutions via your prefered cloud provider platforms.

For Vault-operator it is mandatory to rely on https://github.com/banzaicloud/bank-vaults/tree/master/charts/vault-operator


Below is a high level diagram of what this chart will help you deploy

overview diagram


Orchestrate-kubernetes versions Orchestrate versions
master/HEAD Orchestrate v21.12.x or higher
v7.0.0 Orchestrate v21.12.x or higher
v6.0.0 Orchestrate v21.12.x or higher
v5.0.0 Orchestrate v21.1.x or higher
v4.0.0 Orchestrate v2.5.x
v3.1.0 Orchestrate v2.5.x
v3.0.0 Orchestrate v2.4.x

1. Requirements

1.1. CLI tools

2. Installing Orchestrate

2.1. Quickstart

  1. To deploy a simple Orchestrate (not production ready), run the following command:
helmfile apply --suppress-secrets
  1. Once deployed you could easily test Orchestrate API in http://localhost:8081:
kubectl port-forward --namespace orchestrate svc/orchestrate-api 8081:8081

See Orchestrate APIs documentation

2.2. Delete Orchestrate

!!!hint to delete Orchestrate's deployment and its ressources run the following commands:

helmfile delete --purge
kubectl delete namespace orchestrate

2.3. Advanced configuration

This repository provides few examples of environment values sets:

  • environments/default.yaml: default value set when executing helmfile apply
    • Deploy a light one-replica of Orchestrate services
    • One partition per Kafka topic
  • environments/qa.yaml: helmfile -e qa apply
    • Deploy a Orchestrate services with multitenancy
  • environments/staging.yaml: helmfile -e staging apply
    • Deploy a 3-replica of Orchestrate services with multitenancy distributed accros Availability-Zones

Note: All the passwords and usernames of every dependency are located in environments/common.yaml.gotmpl. Do not forget to change, extract, those values depending on your needs / environment.

The following tables lists the configurable values for the environments. Some of them are directly configurable via environement variable:

Parameter Description Default
orchestrate.namespace Namespace where Orchestrate will be deployed (env ORCHESTRATE_NAMESPACE) orchestrate
orchestrate.chart.name This deployment orchestrate chart (env ORCHESTRATE_CHART) consensys/orchestrate
orchestrate.chart.version Namespace where Orchestrate will be deployed (env ORCHESTRATE_CHART_VERSION) 1.0.6
orchestrate.global.imageCredentials.registry Docker registry where Orchestrate images are stored (env REGISTRY_URL) docker.consensys.net
orchestrate.global.imageCredentials.username [REQUIRED] Username of the registry (env REGISTRY_USERNAME)
orchestrate.global.imageCredentials.password [REQUIRED] Password of the registry (env REGISTRY_PASSWORD)
orchestrate.global.image.repository Path to Orchestrate image (env ORCHESTRATE_REPOSITORY) docker.consensys.net/priv/orchestrate
orchestrate.global.image.tag Orchestrate image tag (env ORCHESTRATE_TAG) v21.1.2
orchestrate.api Orchestrate API values
orchestrate.qkm Orchestrate Key Manager values, for usage with version 21.10.X and above
orchestrate.txListener Orchestrate Tx Listener values nil
orchestrate.txSender Orchestrate Tx Sender values nil
orchestrate.test.image.repository Path to Orchestrate test image (env TEST_REPOSITORY) nil
orchestrate.test.image.tag Orchestrate test image tag (env TEST_TAG) nil

For more information about values defined in values/orchestrate.yaml.gotmpl, please see https://github.com/ConsenSys/orchestrate-helm

Parameter Description Default
vault.namespace Namespace where Hashicop Vault will be deployed (env VAULT_NAMESPACE) orchestrate
vault.replicaCount Number of Vault instance 1
vault.plugin.tag Orchestrate Hashicorp Vault Plugin tag (env VAULT_PLUGIN_TAG) v1.1.3
vault.plugin.sha256 Orchestrate Hashicorp Vault Plugin SHA256 checksum (env VAULT_PLUGIN_SHA256SUM) e084800c61749a9c7b51f6e91bb89ab6d5a2678cdb707eaa73f9bef0cf73fc61

For more information about values defined in values/vault.yaml.gotmpl, please see https://github.com/banzaicloud/bank-vaults/tree/master/operator/deploy and https://github.com/banzaicloud/bank-vaults/tree/master/charts/vault

Parameter Description Default
domainName (Option) Domain name registered to the ingress controller of your kubernetes cluster. If not empty Orchestrate API will be exposed to {{orchestrate.namespace}}.{{domainName}}. If the observability stack is enabled grafana.{{domainName}} and prometheus.{{domainName}} will be exposed too (env DOMAIN_NAME) ``

Values below are useful when deploying orchestrate with version 21.10.X, having possibly a Quorum Key Manager running independently

Parameter Description Default
qkm.enabled If true, Quorum Key Manager will be deployed true
qkm.url Url where Quorum Key Manager may be reached (env QKM_URL) http://quorumkeymanager.orchestrate
qkm.namespace Namespace where Quorum Key Manager is deployed (env QKM_NAMESPACE) orchestrate
qkm.orchestrate.storeName Initial and existing eth-account name used by orchestrate eth-accounts
qkm.orchestrate.apiKey Existing apiKey used by orchestrate to authenticate YWRtaW4tdXNlcg==

For more information about values defined in values/qkm.yaml.gotmpl, please refer to https://github.com/ConsenSys/quorum-key-manager-helm

3. Hashicorp Vault

This helmfiles optionally deploys Hashicorp's Vault with integrated storage with raft with Bank-Vaults. We deploy first the Vault operator, then the following ressources contained in values/vault.yaml:

Vault policy

        {{ if .Values.observability.enabled }}
        - name: prometheus
          rules: path "sys/metrics" {
            capabilities = ["list", "read"]
        {{ end }}
      - name: orchestrate_key_manager
        rules: path "orchestrate/*" {
          capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "list"]

Vault authentication

      - type: kubernetes
          - name: orchestrate-key-manager
            bound_service_account_names: ["orchestrate-key-manager", "vault-secrets-webhook", "vault"]
            bound_service_account_namespaces: ["{{ .Values.vault.namespace }}", "{{ .Values.orchestrate.namespace }}"]
            policies: orchestrate_key_manager
      {{ if .Values.observability.enabled }}
      - type: kubernetes
          - name: prometheus
            bound_service_account_names: prometheus
            bound_service_account_namespaces: {{ .Values.observability.namespace }}
            policies: prometheus
      {{ end }}
  • PVCs
  • Service Account
  • RBAC configuration

Note that it is highly recommended to use the consensys/quorum-hashicorp-vault-plugin image when deplying a Vault ressource.

4. Upgrading

4.1. From Orchestrate v2.5.X to v21.1.X

Read the steps to upgrade Orchestrate v2.5.X to v21.1.X

4.2. From Orchestrate v21.1.X to v21.12.X

Read the steps to upgrade Orchestrate v21.1.X to v21.12.X