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MIMC collision problem
MIMC is based on finite field, Suppose there is a uint256 number a, and the fr.Element modulus is q, then this equation will hold: MIMC(a) = MIMC(a + q). I want to use MIMC function in circuit:
import (
mimc2 ""
type FooConstraint struct {
A1 frontend.Variable
A2 frontend.Variable
A3 frontend.Variable
A4 frontend.Variable
func CollectDataFromFoo(api frontend.API, foo FooConstraint,
hFunc *mimc.MiMC) {
A1Bits := api.ToBinary(foo.A1, 64)
A2Bits := api.ToBinary(foo.A2, 64)
A3Bits := api.ToBinary(foo.A3, 64)
A4Bits := api.ToBinary(foo.A4, 64)
ABits := append(A1Bits, A2Bits...)
ABits = append(ABits, A3Bits...)
ABits = append(ABits, A4Bits...)
A := api.FromBinary(ABits...)
func SetFooConstraints(a1 uint64, a2 uint64, a3 uint64, a4 uint64) (w FooConstraint) {
w = FooConstraint{
A1: a1,
A2: a2,
A3: a3,
A4: a4,
return w
type MimcDemoCircuit struct {
A frontend.Variable
FinalHash frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
func (circuit MimcDemoCircuit) Define(api frontend.API) error {
// mimc
hFunc, err := mimc.NewMiMC(api)
if err != nil {
return err
CollectDataFromFoo(api, circuit.Foo, &hFunc)
hash := hFunc.Sum()
api.AssertIsEqual(hash, circuit.FinalHash)
return nil
func Test4(t *testing.T) {
var circuit, witness MimcDemoCircuit
witness.Foo = SetFooConstraints(1, 1, 1, 1)
hFunc := mimc2.NewMiMC()
var buf bytes.Buffer
// 2^192 + 2^128 + 2^64 + 1 + q
// equal to FooConstraint {A1: 3486998266802970666, A2: 13281191951274694750, A3: 2896914383306846354, A4: 4891460686036598786}
hashVal := hFunc.Sum(nil)
witness.FinalHash = hashVal
assert := test.NewAssert(t)
assert.SolvingSucceeded(&circuit, &witness, test.WithBackends(backend.GROTH16), test.WithCurves(ecc.BN254), test.WithCompileOpts(frontend.IgnoreUnconstrainedInputs()))
This test passed, it shows that if prover provide verifier FooConstraint {A1: 3486998266802970666, A2: 13281191951274694750, A3: 2896914383306846354, A4: 4891460686036598786}
, verifier use mimc calculate this hash, use it as circuit public input, the circuit verify can pass.
What should I do to make sure that verifier is convinced by the fact prover use FooConstraint {A1: 1, A2: 1, A3: 1, A4: 1}
not FooConstraint {A1: 3486998266802970666, A2: 13281191951274694750, A3: 2896914383306846354, A4: 4891460686036598786}
in circuit? One way I can think of is change CollectDataFromFoo
func CollectDataFromFoo(api frontend.API, foo FooConstraint,
hFunc *mimc.MiMC) {
A1Bits := api.ToBinary(foo.A1, 64)
A2Bits := api.ToBinary(foo.A2, 64)
A3Bits := api.ToBinary(foo.A3, 64)
ABits := append(A1Bits, A2Bits...)
ABits = append(ABits, A3Bits...)
A := api.FromBinary(ABits...)
A4Bits := api.ToBinary(foo.A4, 64)
B := api.FromBinary(A4Bits...)
And Verifier use the same way to calculate mimc hash. Is this a recommend way? Is there a better way?
In the circuit, you truncate and pack A1..A4 into one element A1(64)||A2(64)||A3(64)||A4(64) why not write 4 elements into hash instead?
In the circuit, you truncate and pack A1..A4 into one element A1(64)||A2(64)||A3(64)||A4(64) why not write 4 elements into hash instead?
There are many elements needed to be hashed, I want to reduce the number of constraints in circuit, and the overhead for verifier (L1 smart contract) to generate the same hash
Hi, so I think the solution to the issue is to decompose the []byte
slice buffer in the "real" (=non snark) version of mimc in base p (so the slice is interpreted as a number a0 + a1*r + a2*r^2 + .. + an*r^n
where r is the size of the snark field), and use as blocks the digits ai
. The r-basis decomposition ensures there is a one-to-one correspondence between sequences of blocks and byte slices.
Currently the implementation in gnark-crypto does not do that, but rather decomposes the []byte
slice as blocks of size 256bits for instance for bn254. It's a security bug as a matter of fact, I raised the corresponding issue in gnark-crypto.