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Windows Feature Hunter (WFH)
Windows Feature Hunter (WFH) is a proof of concept python script that uses Frida, a dynamic instrumentation toolkit, to assist in potentially identifying common “vulnerabilities” or “features” within Windows executables. WFH currently has the capability to automatically identify potential Dynamic Linked Library (DLL) sideloading and Component Object Model (COM) hijacking opportunities at scale.
DLL sideloading utilizes the Windows side-by-side (WinSXS) assembly to load a malicious DLL from the side-by-side (SXS) listing. COM hijacking allows an adversary to insert malicious code that can be executed in place of legitimate software through hijacking the COM references and relationships. WFH will print the potential vulnerabilities and write a CSV file containing the potential vulnerabilities in the target Windows executables.
Table of Contents
Windows Feature Hunter (WFH)
- WFH Install
- WFH Help
WFH Usage
- WFH DLL Sideloading Identification
- WFH COM Hijacking Identification
WFH Use Cases
- Native Windows Signed Binaries
Windows Feature Hunter Dridex (WFH Dridex)
- WFH Dridex Install
- WFH Dridex Dependencies
WFH Dridex Usage
- WFH Dridex DLL Sideloading Identification
WFH Dridex DLL Sideloads from System32
- WFH vs WFH Dridex Results
- HijackLibs Contribution
WFH Install
pip install -r requirements.txt
WFH Help
PS C:\Tools\WFH > python .\ -h
usage: [-h] -t T [T ...] -m {dll,com} [-v] [-timeout TIMEOUT]
Windows Feature Hunter
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t T [T ...], -targets T [T ...]
list of target windows executables
-m {dll,com}, -mode {dll,com}
vulnerabilities to potentially identify
-v, -verbose verbose output from Frida instrumentation
-timeout TIMEOUT timeout value for Frida instrumentation
NOTE: It is recommended to copy target binaries to the same directory as wfh for identifying DLL Sideloading
DLL Sideloading Identification (Single): python -t .\mspaint.exe -m dll
DLL Sideloading Identification (Verbose): python -t .\mspaint.exe -m dll -v
DLL Sideloading Identification (Timeout 30s): python -t .\mspaint.exe -m dll -timeout 30
DLL Sideloading Identification (Wildcard): python -t * -m dll
DLL Sideloading Identification (List): python -t .\mspaint.exe .\charmap.exe -m dll
COM Hijacking Identification (Single): python -t "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -m com
COM Hijacking Identification (Verbose): python -t "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -m com -v
COM Hijacking Identification (Timeout 60s): python -t "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -m com -timeout 60
COM Hijacking Identification (Wildcard): python -t * -m com -v
COM Hijacking Identification (List): python -t "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe" -m com -v
WFH Usage
WFH DLL Sideloading Identification
First you need to copy the binaries you want to analyze to the same directory as WFH
PS C:\Tools\WFH > copy C:\Windows\System32\mspaint.exe .
PS C:\Tools\WFH > copy C:\Windows\System32\charmap.exe .
PS C:\Tools\WFH > dir
Directory: C:\Tools\WFH
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 5/14/2021 2:12 PM .vscode
-a---- 5/6/2021 2:39 PM 1928 .gitignore
-a---- 12/7/2019 2:09 AM 198656 charmap.exe
-a---- 5/18/2021 7:39 AM 6603 loadlibrary.js
-a---- 4/7/2021 12:48 PM 988160 mspaint.exe
-a---- 5/18/2021 7:53 AM 8705
-a---- 5/17/2021 11:27 AM 5948 registry.js
-a---- 5/6/2021 2:41 PM 11 requirements.txt
-a---- 5/18/2021 8:35 AM 10623
Now you can run wfh against the binaries to identify dll sideloading opportunities
PS C:\Tools\WFH > python .\ -t * -m dll
Running Frida against charmap.exe
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryW,LPCWSTR: MSFTEDIT.DLL
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : MSFTEDIT.DLL, dwFlags : NONE
[*] Writing raw Frida instrumentation to charmap.exe-raw.log
[*] Writing Potential DLL Sideloading to charmap.exe-sideload.log
Running Frida against mspaint.exe
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : gdiplus.dll, dwFlags : NONE
[-] Potential DllExport Sideloading: GetProcAddress,hModule : C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\gdiplus.dll, LPCSTR: GdiplusStartup
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryW,LPCWSTR: MSFTEDIT.DLL
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : MSFTEDIT.DLL, dwFlags : NONE
[*] Writing raw Frida instrumentation to mspaint.exe-raw.log
[*] Writing Potential DLL Sideloading to mspaint.exe-sideload.log
[*] Writing dll results to dll_results.csv
PS C:\Tools\WFH > type .\dll_results.csv
Executable,WinAPI,DLL,EntryPoint / WinAPI Args
charmap.exe,LoadLibraryW,LPCWSTR: MSFTEDIT.DLL
charmap.exe,LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : MSFTEDIT.DLL, dwFlags : NONE
mspaint.exe,LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : gdiplus.dll, dwFlags : NONE
mspaint.exe,GetProcAddress,hModule : C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\gdiplus.dll, LPCSTR: GdiplusStartup
mspaint.exe,LoadLibraryW,LPCWSTR: MSFTEDIT.DLL
mspaint.exe,LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : MSFTEDIT.DLL, dwFlags : NONE
If you prefer more verbose output, you can use "-v" to see every message from Frida instrumenting the Windows API calls. You can also view this output in the raw log file.
PS C:\Tools\WFH > python .\ -t * -m dll -v
Running Frida against charmap.exe
{'type': 'send', 'payload': 'LoadLibraryW,LPCWSTR: MSFTEDIT.DLL'}
{'type': 'send', 'payload': 'LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : MSFTEDIT.DLL, dwFlags : NONE'}
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryW,LPCWSTR: MSFTEDIT.DLL
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : MSFTEDIT.DLL, dwFlags : NONE
[*] Writing raw Frida instrumentation to charmap.exe-raw.log
[*] Writing Potential DLL Sideloading to charmap.exe-sideload.log
Running Frida against mspaint.exe
{'type': 'send', 'payload': 'LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : gdiplus.dll, dwFlags : NONE'}
{'type': 'send', 'payload': 'GetProcAddress,hModule : C:\\WINDOWS\\WinSxS\\\\gdiplus.dll, LPCSTR: GdiplusStartup'}
{'type': 'send', 'payload': 'LoadLibraryW,LPCWSTR: MSFTEDIT.DLL'}
{'type': 'send', 'payload': 'LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : MSFTEDIT.DLL, dwFlags : NONE'}
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : gdiplus.dll, dwFlags : NONE
[-] Potential DllExport Sideloading: GetProcAddress,hModule : C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\gdiplus.dll, LPCSTR: GdiplusStartup
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryW,LPCWSTR: MSFTEDIT.DLL
[+] Potential DllMain Sideloading: LoadLibraryExW,LPCWSTR : MSFTEDIT.DLL, dwFlags : NONE
[*] Writing raw Frida instrumentation to mspaint.exe-raw.log
[*] Writing Potential DLL Sideloading to mspaint.exe-sideload.log
[*] Writing dll results to dll_results.csv
WFH COM Hijacking Identification
PS C:\Tools\WFH > python .\ -t "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -m com
Running Frida against C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
[+] Potential COM Hijack: Path : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{0E5AAE11-A475-4C5B-AB00-C66DE400274E}\InProcServer32,lpValueName : null,Type : REG_EXPAND_SZ, Value : %SystemRoot%\system32\Windows.Storage.dll
[+] Potential COM Hijack: Path : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{1FD49718-1D00-4B19-AF5F-070AF6D5D54C}\InProcServer32,lpValueName : null,Type : REG_SZ, Value : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\90.0.818.62\BHO\ie_to_edge_bho_64.dll
[*] Writing raw Frida instrumentation to .\iexplore.exe-raw.log
[*] Writing Potential COM Hijack to .\iexplore.exe-comhijack.log
[*] Writing dll results to comhijack_results.csv
WFH Use Cases
Native Windows Signed Binaries
Copy all native Windows signed binaries to wfh directory
Get-ChildItem c:\ -File | ForEach-Object { if($_ -match '.+?exe$') {Get-AuthenticodeSignature $_.fullname} } | where {$_.IsOSBinary} | ForEach-Object {Copy-Item $_.path . }
Hunt for DLL sideloading opportunities
python -t * -m dll
Hunt for COM hijacking opportunities
python -t * -m com
Windows Feature Hunter Dridex (WFH Dridex)
Windows Feature Hunter Dridex (WFH Dridex) is a proof of concept python script inspired by the Dridex loader. WFH Dridex analyzes the Import Address Table (IAT) of the target executables, compiles a DLL for each entry in the executables' IAT, and validates if a DLL sideload was identified.
The original WFH release identified approximately 96 potential DLL sideloading opportunties. WFH Dridex identified approximately 966 validated DLL sideloading opportunities.
WFH Dridex Install
pip install -r requirements.txt
WFH Dridex Dependencies
must be added to the PATH environment variable after installation for WFH Dridex to function properly.
WFH Dridex Usage
WFH Dridex DLL Sideloading Identification
First you need to copy the binaries you want to analyze to the same directory as WFH Dridex
❯ cp C:\Windows\System32\mspaint.exe .
❯ cp C:\Windows\System32\charmap.exe .
❯ python .\
[*] Creating a payload for charmap.exe with GetUName.dll
|_ Compiling with: g++.exe -s -Os -static -shared -fpermissive -oGetUName.dll dllmain.c
|_ Testing charmap.exe with GetUName.dll for DLL sideloading opportunity
|_ PID: 8936
[>] Listing working DLL sideloads
|_ charmap.exe GetUName.dll
[*] Creating a payload for mspaint.exe with MFC42u.dll
|_ Compiling with: g++.exe -s -Os -static -shared -fpermissive testaroo.def -oMFC42u.dll dllmain.c
|_ Testing mspaint.exe with MFC42u.dll for DLL sideloading opportunity
|_ PID: 9472
[*] Creating a payload for mspaint.exe with PROPSYS.dll
|_ Compiling with: g++.exe -s -Os -static -shared -fpermissive -oPROPSYS.dll dllmain.c
|_ Testing mspaint.exe with PROPSYS.dll for DLL sideloading opportunity
|_ PID: 11308
[*] Creating a payload for mspaint.exe with WINMM.dll
|_ Compiling with: g++.exe -s -Os -static -shared -fpermissive -oWINMM.dll dllmain.c
|_ Testing mspaint.exe with WINMM.dll for DLL sideloading opportunity
|_ PID: 180
[>] Listing working DLL sideloads
|_ mspaint.exe MFC42u.dll
|_ mspaint.exe PROPSYS.dll
|_ mspaint.exe WINMM.dll
Now you can run WFH Dridex against the binaries to identify DLL sideloading opportunities
❯ gc .\results.csv
WFH Dridex DLL Sideloads from System32
A sample CSV output from WFH Dridex ran against C:\Windows\System32
can be viewed here.
WFH vs WFH Dridex Results
The original WFH release identified approximately 96 potential DLL sideloading opportunties. WFH Dridex identified approximately 966 validated DLL sideloading opportunities.
HijackLibs Contribution
As part of the WFH Dridex release, a pull request was submitted to Wietze's HijackLibs project which included 507 new entries to the project.