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React + Express + Webpack + Mongo = MERN Stack Boilerplate

MERN Boilerplate - MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS


Build Status


  • Python 2 (node-gyp)
  • NodeJS (9+ preferred)
  • Docker (CE is fine, 17+ preferred)


Full stack javascript, so get the latest version of Node!

  • [X] Webpack 4
  • [X] React
  • [X] Express
  • [X] Sass
  • [X] ES6 - Stage-0+
  • [ ] Linting
  • [ ] UI/Unit Tests


  1. git clone <this_url> && cd <repo_name>

  2. npm install

  3. Running the application

    • Development Mode (Client only): npm run dev then open http://localhost:8080 in a browser
    • Production Bundle (Client only): npm run build then import the client code somewhere
    • Standalone (Client+Server): npm start then open http://localhost:8080 in a browser
    • Dockerized /w MongoDB: npm run start:docker - more to come


A good place to start would be the .env files. Copy .env.default in the root of the project and name the copy .env. Replace the values as you see fit. Next, open docker-compose.yml and replace the text 'boilerplate' with the app name you put in the env file. After that, you should be in a good place to start customizing it.


  • You have all dependencies installed and are using NPM or Yarn
  • This boilerplate was developed using linux mint (Ubuntu 14 - Xenial), it should be cross platform so please report any issues using the github issue tracker.
  • If you run the 'npm run updateDeps' script, you will need to have npm-check-updates globally installed: npm install -g npm-check-updates
  • Your user account is part of the docker group for sudo access


We currently use babel configured with preset-env, preset-react and preset-stage-0. Eventually the cdn will be primarily used.


Lifecycle scripts

  • npm start
  • npm run dev
  • npm run upgradeDeps
  • npm run build
  • npm test


Valentino G


  • [ ] Add to html-webpack-plugin
  • [ ] Add mocha/webdriverio tests
  • [ ] Using webpack-merge or lodash for webpack.env.js files
  • [ ] Add documentation library
  • [ ] Setup ESLint
  • [ ] Add colors to logging
  • [ ] Fix load order (DOM flash)
  • [ ] Add deployment command for dockerized mongodb
  • [ ] Integrate docker commands into travis?
  • [ ] Add webpack bundle analyzer npm script (pipe --stats > stats.json directly into analyzer)
  • [ ] Setup provisioning of mongodb
  • [ ] Add database connectors