connectycube-flutter-call-kit copied to clipboard
Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1): Issue with _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler Incoming Call Ringtone sound Not Working
Future _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async { print("Handling a background message: ${message.messageId}"); await Firebase.initializeApp(); //make sure firebase is initialized before using it (showCallkitIncoming) showCallkitIncoming(const Uuid().v4()); }
Future showCallkitIncoming(String uuid) async {
final params = CallKitParams(
id: uuid,
nameCaller: 'Hien Nguyen',
appName: 'Callkit',
avatar: '',
handle: '0123456789',
type: 0,
duration: 30000,
textAccept: 'Accept',
textDecline: 'Decline',
missedCallNotification: const NotificationParams(
showNotification: true,
isShowCallback: true,
subtitle: 'Missed call',
callbackText: 'Call back',
extra: <String, dynamic>{'userId': '1a2b3c4d'},
headers: <String, dynamic>{'apiKey': 'Abc@123!', 'platform': 'flutter'},
android: const AndroidParams(
isCustomNotification: true,
isShowLogo: false,
ringtonePath: 'system_ringtone_default',
backgroundColor: '#0955fa',
backgroundUrl: 'assets/test.png',
actionColor: '#4CAF50',
textColor: '#ffffff',
ios: const IOSParams(
iconName: 'CallKitLogo',
handleType: '',
supportsVideo: true,
maximumCallGroups: 2,
maximumCallsPerCallGroup: 1,
audioSessionMode: 'default',
audioSessionActive: true,
audioSessionPreferredSampleRate: 44100.0,
audioSessionPreferredIOBufferDuration: 0.005,
supportsDTMF: true,
supportsHolding: true,
supportsGrouping: false,
supportsUngrouping: false,
ringtonePath: 'system_ringtone_default',
await FlutterCallkitIncoming.showCallkitIncoming(params);
} // Legacy is working but V1 Ringtone sound Not Working
And another interesting news, lagacy will be eliminated on 6/20/2023
And another interesting news, lagacy will be eliminated on 6/20/2023
if you use the ConnectyCube API for sending the push notifications, you already can use the FCM Service Account Key instead of a Server key.
are you sure that the provided code samples are related to this plugin? our plugin doesn't have some parts of the provided parameters