eInvoicing-EN16931 copied to clipboard
Move PEPPOL-EN16931-R046 rule to EN16931?
Would it be possible to move rule PEPPOL-EN16931-R046 from PeppolBIS 3.0 or add similar rule to EN16931 schematron to enforce validity of item net price (BT-146) when there is unit level discount (BT-147)? (Item gross price - Item price discount)
According to EN16931 specification calculation logic for BT-146 is "Item gross price – Item price discount"
BR, Jussi Koljonen
such a rule should consider that BT-147 is an optional element (0..1). The EN 16931 does not clearly state that BT-147 is mandatory with BT-148 and/or that identical amounts in BT-146 and BT-148 (assuming BT-147 = 0) are not permitted. An according rule should set BT-147 to zero if not specified. PEPPOL-EN16931-R046 fails if BT-148 exists but BT-147 does not.
This should be discussed and agreed in CEN/TC 434.