eInvoicing-EN16931 copied to clipboard
Using Semantic Versioning for the releases
It would be highly appreciated, if Semantic Versioning according to https://semver.org/ is applied to the EN 16931 release artefacts. If new rules are able to break existing XML instances, a new major version should be applied, so that users know, to intensify tests accordingly. This is especially relevant, when the EN 16931 is included into other bundles.
This will be considered for next release
- Currently we give the impression that we use semantic versioning, but we don't use it
- Alternatively, because we will more or less break backwards compatibility all the time, we can just label or releases with only a number (1, 2, 3, 4, ...). We can see this as the consequent usage of semantic versioning :)
- Based on the number of tags we have, the released planned to be "1.3.9" would be "release 16"
The proposal from @phax is to issue the releases not following the Semantic Versioning approach but just using an incremental release number. In this case, the next release would be 16 instead of 1.3.9.
The plan is to bring this up in the DIGITAL advisory group before deciding on this. So for this release we should continue with the 3 position, semantic like but not really semantic versioning numbering system using 1.3.9
Personally I am also in favour of a 1, 2, 3 .... numbering sequence.