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Conflux Java SDK
Conflux Java SDK
The Conflux Java SDK allows any Java client to interact with a local or remote Conflux node based on JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. With Conflux Java SDK, user can easily manage accounts, send transactions, deploy smart contracts and query blockchain information.
The java-conflux-sdk
is built on web3j, which providing a lot useful utilities:
- keccak
- secp256k1
- abi
- rlp
- hex utilities
How to import
We have published this package to maven central repository for easy import, you can import it
Apache Maven:
Gradle Groovy DSL:
implementation 'io.github.conflux-chain:conflux.web3j:x.x.x'
For detail version list check here
Or you can download jar package from github release page, or clone the source code build jar manually.
- RPC interaction
- Account management
- Sending transaction
- Contract Interaction
- Batch RPC
- Conflux developer documentation portal
- Conflux fullnode RPC API
- Conflux fullnode pub/sub API
- SDK updates for CIP37
- Testnet Faucet
- changelog
- Community Examples
- Contract method interaction ABI encode
Quick Start
With java-conflux-sdk it's very easy to query balance and send transaction.
import conflux.web3j.Account;
import conflux.web3j.Cfx;
import conflux.web3j.CfxUnit;
import conflux.web3j.types.Address;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Use testnet RPC url create a Cfx instance, which can be used to invoke RPC method
Cfx cfx = Cfx.create("");
String ADDRESS = "cfxtest:aat9v7xdvszbj68x083kjjt52z32g94nwjaj7vdpxf";
// getBalance method can be used to query balance of one address
BigInteger balance = cfx.getBalance(new Address(ADDRESS)).sendAndGet();
// default unit is drip
System.out.println("balance in Drip: " + balance);
// Use CfxUnit.drip2Cfx convert unit to CFX
System.out.println("balance in CFX: " + CfxUnit.drip2Cfx(balance));
// Create an account with private key
Account account = Account.create(cfx, PRIVATE_KEY);
// Call account.transfer method to transfer CFX to another address
String hash = account.transfer(new Address(ADDRESS), BigInteger.valueOf(100));
System.out.println("Transaction hash: " + hash);
Query Conflux Information
Use Cfx
interface to query Conflux blockchain information, such as block, epoch, transaction, receipt. Following is an example to query the current epoch number:
package conflux.sdk.examples;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import conflux.web3j.types.Address;
import conflux.web3j.Cfx;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Cfx cfx = Cfx.create("", 3, 1000);
// Invoke RPC method cfx_getEpochNumber
BigInteger epoch = cfx.getEpochNumber().sendAndGet();
System.out.println("Current epoch: " + epoch);
Address addr = new Address("cfxtest:aak2rra2njvd77ezwjvx04kkds9fzagfe6d5r8e957");
BigInteger nonce = cfx.getNonce(addr).sendAndGet();
interface provides a factory method to create an instance, and allow client to enable auto-retry mechanism in case of temporary IO errors.
Conflux Address
Conflux import a new base32 address at CIP37.
From conflux-rust
v1.1.1, and java-conflux-sdk
1.0, the new CIP37 will be supported.
The Address
class has added support for CIP37 address.
int testNetId = 1; // mainnet is 1029
Address a = new Address("0x13d2bA4eD43542e7c54fbB6c5fCCb9f269C1f94C", testNetId);
Address b = new Address("cfxtest:aak7fsws4u4yf38fk870218p1h3gxut3ku00u1k1da");
a.getAddress(); // "cfxtest:aak7fsws4u4yf38fk870218p1h3gxut3ku00u1k1da"
a.getHexAddress(); // "0x13d2bA4eD43542e7c54fbB6c5fCCb9f269C1f94C"
a.getNetworkId(); // 1
a.getType(); // user
For complete CIP37 address updates check here
Note: java-conflux-sdk
is an incompatible version, it only work with conflux-rust
1.1.1 or above
Manage Accounts
Use AccountManager
to manage accounts at local machine.
- Create/Import/Update/Delete an account.
- List all accounts.
- Unlock/Lock an account.
- Sign a transaction.
package conflux.sdk.examples;
import conflux.web3j.AccountManager;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String privateKey = "0xxxxxx"; // replace this with your own privateKey
// Initialize a accountManager
AccountManager am = new AccountManager(testNetId);
// import private key
am.imports(privateKey, "123456");
// import a keystore file
am.imports("keystore file path", "old password", "new password");
// then you can use am to signTransaction or signMessage
- Sign a transaction with unlocked account:
AccountManager.signTransaction(RawTransaction tx, Address address)
- Sign a transaction with passphrase for locked account:
AccountManager.signTransaction(RawTransaction tx, Address address, String password)
Send Transaction
To send a transaction, first you need to build a transaction and sign the transaction at local machine, then send the signed transaction to local or remote Conflux node.
BigInteger value = new BigInteger("1000", 16);
TransactionBuilder txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder("0x-the-sender-address");
txBuilder.withTo(new Address("cfxtest:aak7fsws4u4yf38fk870218p1h3gxut3ku00u1k1da"));
RawTransaction rawTx =;
// get account from accountManager, `account.send` will sign the tx and send it to blockchain
SendTransactionResult result = account.send(rawTx);
// or you can manually sign and send
String hexEncodedTx = account.sign(rawTx);
String txHash = cfx.sendRawTransaction(hexEncodedTx).sendAndGet();
If you just want to transfer some CFX, there is a simpler method account.transfer
Option opt = new Option();
String result = account.transfer(opt, new Address("0x13d2bA4eD43542e7c54fbB6c5fCCb9f269C1f94C"), value);
Websocket and PubSub
The conflux-rust
fullnode support PubSub through websocket, the default port is 12535, you need open it manually.
Now the SDK provide three methods subscribeNewHeads
, subscribeLogs
, subscribeEpochs
you can use to sub respect events.
// initiate a WebSocketService and connect, then use it to create a Cfx
WebSocketService wsService = new WebSocketService("ws://localhost:12535/", false);
Cfx cfx = Cfx.create(wsService);
// Invoke cfx method
BigInteger epoch = cfx.getEpochNumber().sendAndGet();
System.out.println("Current epoch: " + epoch);
// PubSub Subscribe to incoming events and process incoming events
final Flowable<NewHeadsNotification> events = cfx.subscribeNewHeads();
final Disposable disposable = events.subscribe(event -> {
// You can get the detail through getters
// close
Call Contract methods
To simple call a contract method you can use the ContractCall class
package conflux.sdk.examples;
import conflux.web3j.contract.ContractCall;
import conflux.web3j.types.Address;
import conflux.web3j.contract.abi.DecodeUtil;
import org.web3j.abi.datatypes.generated.Uint256;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ContractCall contract = new ContractCall(cfx, new Address("0x824df34537b198d9955c01c4e5a2a68733707b4f", 1));
// passing method name and parameter to ``
// note: parameters should use web3j.abi.datatypes type
String amount ="balanceOf", new Address("0x1386B4185A223EF49592233b69291bbe5a80C527", 1).getABIAddress()).sendAndGet();
BigInteger balance = DecodeUtil.decode(amount, Uint256.class);
System.out.print("account balance: ");
Update Contract state
To update a contract's state you need to send a transaction to contract with data
info, java-conflux-sdk have some method can do this for you.
For example:
package conflux.sdk.examples;
import conflux.web3j.Account;
import conflux.web3j.Account.Option;
import conflux.web3j.types.Address;
import org.web3j.abi.datatypes.generated.Uint256;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String privateKey = "0xxxxxx";
int netId = 1;
Address contractAddress = new Address("0xxxxx", netId);
Address recipient = new Address("0xxxx", netId);
BigInteger amount = 100;
// create account, then call contract's method
Account account = Account.create(cfx, privateKey);
Option opt = new Option();
// build transaction option info: nonce, gas, gasPrice and etc
String txHash =, contractAddress, "transfer", recipient.getABIAddress(), new Uint256(amount));
System.out.println("tx hash: " + txHash);
Additional Tools
Conflux Java SDK also provides some helpful tools:
: used for a single account to send multiple transactions and managenonce
automatically. -
: provides utilities for unit conversion. -
: query contract data without ABI file. -
: provides utilities for ABI decode. -
: diagnose failed transactions.
Conflux network's vm is compatible with evm, and a lot web3j functionality can directly used on Conflux network,
For example Sign
, encode and so on.