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Conflux Java SDK

Conflux Java SDK


The Conflux Java SDK allows any Java client to interact with a local or remote Conflux node based on JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. With Conflux Java SDK, user can easily manage accounts, send transactions, deploy smart contracts and query blockchain information.

The java-conflux-sdk is built on web3j, which providing a lot useful utilities:

  • keccak
  • secp256k1
  • abi
  • rlp
  • hex utilities

How to import

We have published this package to maven central repository for easy import, you can import it

Apache Maven:


Gradle Groovy DSL:

implementation 'io.github.conflux-chain:conflux.web3j:x.x.x'

For detail version list check here


Or you can download jar package from github release page, or clone the source code build jar manually.


  • RPC interaction
  • Account management
  • Sending transaction
  • Contract Interaction
  • Batch RPC


Quick Start

With java-conflux-sdk it's very easy to query balance and send transaction.

import conflux.web3j.Account;
import conflux.web3j.Cfx;
import conflux.web3j.CfxUnit;
import conflux.web3j.types.Address;
import java.math.BigInteger;

public class main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Use testnet RPC url create a Cfx instance, which can be used to invoke RPC method
        Cfx cfx = Cfx.create("");
        String ADDRESS = "cfxtest:aat9v7xdvszbj68x083kjjt52z32g94nwjaj7vdpxf";
        // getBalance method can be used to query balance of one address
        BigInteger balance = cfx.getBalance(new Address(ADDRESS)).sendAndGet();
        // default unit is drip
        System.out.println("balance in Drip: " + balance);
        // Use CfxUnit.drip2Cfx convert unit to CFX
        System.out.println("balance in CFX: " + CfxUnit.drip2Cfx(balance));

        // Create an account with private key
        Account account = Account.create(cfx, PRIVATE_KEY);
        // Call account.transfer method to transfer CFX to another address
        String hash = account.transfer(new Address(ADDRESS), BigInteger.valueOf(100));
        System.out.println("Transaction hash: " + hash);        

Query Conflux Information

Use Cfx interface to query Conflux blockchain information, such as block, epoch, transaction, receipt. Following is an example to query the current epoch number:

package conflux.sdk.examples;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import conflux.web3j.types.Address;
import conflux.web3j.Cfx;

public class App {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		Cfx cfx = Cfx.create("", 3, 1000);
        // Invoke RPC method cfx_getEpochNumber
		BigInteger epoch = cfx.getEpochNumber().sendAndGet();
		System.out.println("Current epoch: " + epoch);
        Address addr = new Address("cfxtest:aak2rra2njvd77ezwjvx04kkds9fzagfe6d5r8e957");
        BigInteger nonce = cfx.getNonce(addr).sendAndGet();


Cfx interface provides a factory method to create an instance, and allow client to enable auto-retry mechanism in case of temporary IO errors.

Conflux Address

Conflux import a new base32 address at CIP37. From conflux-rust v1.1.1, and java-conflux-sdk 1.0, the new CIP37 will be supported. The Address class has added support for CIP37 address.

int testNetId = 1;  // mainnet is 1029
Address a = new Address("0x13d2bA4eD43542e7c54fbB6c5fCCb9f269C1f94C", testNetId);
Address b = new Address("cfxtest:aak7fsws4u4yf38fk870218p1h3gxut3ku00u1k1da");

a.getAddress(); // "cfxtest:aak7fsws4u4yf38fk870218p1h3gxut3ku00u1k1da"
a.getHexAddress(); // "0x13d2bA4eD43542e7c54fbB6c5fCCb9f269C1f94C"
a.getNetworkId(); // 1
a.getType(); // user

For complete CIP37 address updates check here Note: java-conflux-sdk v1.0 is an incompatible version, it only work with conflux-rust 1.1.1 or above.

Manage Accounts

Use AccountManager to manage accounts at local machine.

  • Create/Import/Update/Delete an account.
  • List all accounts.
  • Unlock/Lock an account.
  • Sign a transaction.
package conflux.sdk.examples;

import conflux.web3j.AccountManager;

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String privateKey = "0xxxxxx"; // replace this with your own privateKey
        // Initialize a accountManager
        AccountManager am = new AccountManager(testNetId);
        // import private key
        am.imports(privateKey, "123456");
        // import a keystore file
        am.imports("keystore file path", "old password", "new password");
        // then you can use am to signTransaction or signMessage
  • Sign a transaction with unlocked account:
AccountManager.signTransaction(RawTransaction tx, Address address)
  • Sign a transaction with passphrase for locked account:
AccountManager.signTransaction(RawTransaction tx, Address address, String password)

Send Transaction

To send a transaction, first you need to build a transaction and sign the transaction at local machine, then send the signed transaction to local or remote Conflux node.

BigInteger value = new BigInteger("1000", 16);
TransactionBuilder txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder("0x-the-sender-address");
txBuilder.withTo(new Address("cfxtest:aak7fsws4u4yf38fk870218p1h3gxut3ku00u1k1da"));
RawTransaction rawTx =;
// get account from accountManager, `account.send` will sign the tx and send it to blockchain
SendTransactionResult result = account.send(rawTx);
// or you can manually sign and send
String hexEncodedTx = account.sign(rawTx);
String txHash = cfx.sendRawTransaction(hexEncodedTx).sendAndGet();

If you just want to transfer some CFX, there is a simpler method account.transfer

Option opt = new Option();
String result = account.transfer(opt, new Address("0x13d2bA4eD43542e7c54fbB6c5fCCb9f269C1f94C"), value);

Websocket and PubSub

The conflux-rust fullnode support PubSub through websocket, the default port is 12535, you need open it manually. Now the SDK provide three methods subscribeNewHeads, subscribeLogs, subscribeEpochs you can use to sub respect events.

// initiate a WebSocketService and connect, then use it to create a Cfx
WebSocketService wsService = new WebSocketService("ws://localhost:12535/", false);
Cfx cfx = Cfx.create(wsService);
// Invoke cfx method 
BigInteger epoch = cfx.getEpochNumber().sendAndGet();
System.out.println("Current epoch: " + epoch);
// PubSub Subscribe to incoming events and process incoming events
final Flowable<NewHeadsNotification> events = cfx.subscribeNewHeads();
final Disposable disposable = events.subscribe(event -> {
    // You can get the detail through getters
// close

Call Contract methods

To simple call a contract method you can use the ContractCall class

package conflux.sdk.examples;
import conflux.web3j.contract.ContractCall;

import conflux.web3j.types.Address;
import conflux.web3j.contract.abi.DecodeUtil;
import org.web3j.abi.datatypes.generated.Uint256;

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ContractCall contract = new ContractCall(cfx, new Address("0x824df34537b198d9955c01c4e5a2a68733707b4f", 1));
        // passing method name and parameter to ``
        // note: parameters should use web3j.abi.datatypes type
        String amount ="balanceOf", new Address("0x1386B4185A223EF49592233b69291bbe5a80C527", 1).getABIAddress()).sendAndGet();
        BigInteger balance = DecodeUtil.decode(amount, Uint256.class);
        System.out.print("account balance: ");

Update Contract state

To update a contract's state you need to send a transaction to contract with data info, java-conflux-sdk have some method can do this for you. For example:

package conflux.sdk.examples;
import conflux.web3j.Account;
import conflux.web3j.Account.Option;

import conflux.web3j.types.Address;
import org.web3j.abi.datatypes.generated.Uint256;

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String privateKey = "0xxxxxx";
        int netId = 1;
        Address contractAddress = new Address("0xxxxx", netId);
        Address recipient = new Address("0xxxx", netId);
        BigInteger amount = 100;

        // create account, then call contract's method
        Account account = Account.create(cfx, privateKey);
        Option opt = new Option();
        // build transaction option info: nonce, gas, gasPrice and etc
        String txHash =, contractAddress, "transfer", recipient.getABIAddress(), new Uint256(amount));
        System.out.println("tx hash: " + txHash);

Additional Tools

Conflux Java SDK also provides some helpful tools:

  • Account: used for a single account to send multiple transactions and manage nonce automatically.
  • CfxUnit: provides utilities for unit conversion.
  • ContractCall: query contract data without ABI file.
  • DecodeUtil and TupleDecoder: provides utilities for ABI decode.
  • Recall: diagnose failed transactions.


Conflux network's vm is compatible with evm, and a lot web3j functionality can directly used on Conflux network, For example Sign, encode and so on.