elm-select copied to clipboard
Editable selection
From the elm discourse post.
I’ve just played with the examples, and one issue I found was if the select is searchable you can’t edit the entry. So if there are multiple entries with similar spellings, you can’t move the cursor/carat to change the spelling, you can only clear the whole text box and re-type it all again.
For example, say I have the following options:
League 1, League 2, League 3, League 4
As a user, if I select League 1, and then want to look at content for League 4, I would expect to be able to tab into the select (where the cursor would then be at the end of entered text), and then delete the 1 and replace it with 4.
Otherwise appears to be all good :+1:
Theres no reason why the selection for a SIngle select searchable variant couldn't be editable, it does change the behaviour a lot from what is currently there so maybe it's something you can opt in to as as feature.
Investigation Investigation!