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Conceal API - JavaScript Interface (RPC/API)
Conceal-API: Javascript/Node.js interface (RPC/API)
Javascript/Node.js interface to Conceal cryptocurrency RPC/API.
There are three RPC servers built in to the three programs conceald, concealwallet and walletd.
They can each be started with the argument --help
to display command line options.
A node on the P2P network (daemon) with no wallet functions; console interactive. To launch:
$ ./conceald
The default daemon RPC port is 16000 and the default P2P port is 15000.
A node on the P2P network (daemon) with wallet functions; console non-interactive. To launch, assuming that your my.wallet
file is in the current directory:
$ ./walletd --container-file my.wallet --container-password PASSWD --local --bind-port 3333
The wallet functions RPC port is 3333. The default daemon P2P port is 15000. The default daemon RPC port is 16000. The --local
option activates the daemon; otherwise, a remote daemon can be used.
A simple wallet; console interactive unless RPC server is running; requires access to a node daemon for full functionality. To launch, assuming that your my.wallet
file is in the current directory:
$ ./concealwallet --rpc-bind-port 3333 --wallet-file my --password PASSWORD
The wallet functions RPC port is 3333. By default the wallet connects with the daemon on port 16000. It is possible to run several instances simultaneously using different wallets and ports.
Quick start for node.js
$ npm install conceal-api
$ ./conceald # launch the network daemon
$ ./concealwallet --rpc-bind-port PORT --wallet-file my --password PASSWORD # launch the simple wallet
Create and run a test program.
$ node test.js
The test program could contain, for example, a payment via the simple wallet's RPC server
const CCX = require('conceal-api')
const ccx = new CCX({
daemonHost: 'http://localhost',
walletHost: 'http://localhost',
daemonRpcPort: 16000,
walletRpcPort: 3333
address: 'ccx7Xd3NBbBiQNvv7vMLXmGMHyS8AVB6EhWoHo5EbGfR2Ki9pQnRTfEBt3YxYEVqpUCyJgvPjBYHp8N2yZwA7dqb4PjaGWuvs4',
amount: 1234567
.then((res) => { console.log(res) }) // display tx hash upon success
.catch((err) => { console.log(err) }) // display error message upon failure
const CCX = require('conceal-api')
const ccx = new CCX({
daemonHost: <daemonHost>,
walletHost: <walletHost>,
walletPath: <walletPath>,
daemonRpcPort: <daemonRpcPort>, // port for daemon
walletRpcPort: <walletRpcPort>, // port for walletd
walletRpcUser: <walletRpcUser>, // optional, if not set no authentication will be made
walletRpcPass: <walletRpcPass>, // optional, if not set no authentication will be made
timeout: <timeout> // timeout for RPC calls
ccx.rpc returns a promise, where rpc is any of the methods below:
Wallet RPC (must provide walletRpcPort)
- concealwallet
- Get height
- Get balance
- Get messages
- Get incoming payments
- Get transfers
- Get number of unlocked outputs
- Reset wallet
- Store wallet
- Export wallet
- Export wallet keys
- Optimize wallet
- Send transfers
- walletd
- Reset or replace wallet
- Get status
- Get balance
- Create address
- Create address list
- Delete address
- Get addresses
- Create integrated
- Split integrated
- Get view secret Key
- Get spend keys
- Get block hashes
- Get transaction
- Get unconfirmed transactions
- Get transaction hashes
- Get transactions
- Send transaction
- Create delayed transaction
- Get delayed transaction hashes
- Delete delayed transaction
- Send delayed transaction
- Get incoming messages from transaction extra field
- Create Deposit
- Send Deposit
- Get Deposit
- Withdraw Deposit
- concealwallet
Daemon RPC (must provide daemonRpcPort)
- Get info
- Get index
- Get count
- Get currency ID
- Get block hash by height
- Get block header by height
- Get block header by hash
- Get last block header
- Get block
- Get blocks
- Get block template
- Submit block
- Get transaction
- Get transactions
- Get transaction pool
- Send raw transaction
Wallet RPC (must provide walletRpcPort)
Get height (concealwallet)
ccx.height() // get last block height
Get balance (concealwallet)
ccx.balance() // get wallet balances
Get messages (concealwallet)
const opts = {
firstTxId: FIRST_TX_ID, // (integer, optional), ex: 10
txLimit: TX_LIMIT // maximum number of messages (integer, optional), ex: 10
ccx.messages(opts) // opts can be omitted
Get incoming payments (concealwallet)
const paymentId = PAYMENT_ID // (64-digit hex string, required), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
Get transfers (concealwallet)
ccx.transfers() // gets all transfers
Get number of unlocked outputs (concealwallet)
ccx.outputs() // gets outputs available as inputs for a new transaction
Reset wallet (concealwallet)
ccx.reset() // discard wallet cache and resync with block chain
Store wallet (concealwallet) // save wallet cache to disk
Export wallet (concealwallet)
const exportFilename = FILE_NAME // (string, required), ex: 'wallet.dat'
ccx.exportWallet(exportFilename) // save wallet cache to disk
Export wallet keys (concealwallet)
const exportFilename = FILE_NAME // (string, required), ex: 'walletKeys.dat'
ccx.exportWalletKeys(exportFilename) // save wallet cache to disk
Optimize wallet (concealwallet)
ccx.optimize() // combines many available outputs into a few by sending to self
Send transfers (concealwallet)
const transfers = [{ address: ADDRESS, amount: AMOUNT, message: MESSAGE }, ...] // ADDRESS = destination address (string, required), AMOUNT = raw CCX (integer, required), MESSAGE = transfer message to be encrypted (string, optional)
const opts = {
transfers: transfers, // (array, required), ex: [{ address: 'ccx7Xd...', amount: 1000, message: 'refund' }]
fee: FEE, // (raw CCX integer, optional, default is minimum required), ex: 10
anonimity: MIX_IN, // input mix count (integer, optional, default 2), ex: 6
paymentId: PAYMENT_ID, // (64-digit hex string, optional), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
unlockHeight: UNLOCK_HEIGHT // block height to unlock payment (integer, optional), ex: 12750
Reset or replace wallet (walletd)
const viewSecretKey = VIEW_SECRET_KEY // (64-digit hex string, optional), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
ccx.resetOrReplace(viewSecretKey) // If no key, wallet is re-synced. If key, a new address is created from the key for a new wallet.
Get status (walletd)
Get balance (walletd)
const address = ADDRESS // (string, required), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
Create address (walletd)
Create address (walletd)
const opts = {
privateSpendKeys: [PRIVATE_SPEND_KEY], // Private spend keys to import (array, 64-digit hex string), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
reset: RESET, //Determines whether reset wallet or not. Defaults to false
Delete address (walletd)
const address = ADDRESS // (string, required), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
Get addresses (walletd)
Create integrated address (walletd)
const address = ADDRESS // (string, required), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
const paymentId = PAYMENT_ID // (64-digit hex string, optional), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
ccx.createIntegrated(address,paymentId) // If no key, wallet is re-synced. If key, a new address is created from the key for a new wallet.
Split integrated address (walletd)
const address = ADDRESS // (string, required), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
ccx.splitIntegrated(address) // If no key, wallet is re-synced. If key, a new address is created from the key for a new wallet.
Get view secret key (walletd)
Get spend keys (walletd)
const address = ADDRESS // (string, required), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
Get block hashes (walletd)
const firstBlockIndex = FIRST_BLOCK_INDEX // index of first block (integer, required), ex: 12750
const blockCount = BLOCK_COUNT // number of blocks to include (integer, required), ex: 30
ccx.getBlockHashes(firstBlockIndex, blockCount)
Get transaction (walletd)
const hash = HASH // (64-digit hex string, required), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
ccx.getTransaction(hash) // get transaction details given hash
Get unconfirmed transactions (walletd)
const addresses = [ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ...] // ADDRESS = address string; address to include
ccx.getUnconfirmedTransactions(addresses) // addresses can be omitted
Get transactionHashes (walletd)
const opts = { // either blockHash or firstBlockIndex is required
blockHash: BLOCK_HASH, // hash of first block (64-digit hex string, see comment above), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
firstBlockIndex: FIRST_BLOCK_INDEX, // index of first block (integer, see comment above), ex: 12750
blockCount: BLOCK_COUNT, // number of blocks to include (integer, required), ex: 30
addresses: [ADDRESS, ...], filter (array of address strings, optional), ex: ['ccx7Xd...']
paymentId: PAYMENT_ID // filter (64-digit hex string, optional), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
Get transactions (walletd)
const opts = { // either blockHash or firstBlockIndex is required
blockHash: BLOCK_HASH, // hash of first block (64-digit hex string, see comment above), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
firstBlockIndex: FIRST_BLOCK_INDEX, // index of first block (integer, see comment above), ex: 12750
blockCount: BLOCK_COUNT, // number of blocks to include (integer, required), ex: 30
addresses: [ADDRESS, ...], filter (array of address strings, optional), ex: ['ccx7Xd...']
paymentId: PAYMENT_ID // filter (64-digit hex string, optional), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
Send transaction (walletd)
const transfers = [{ address: ADDRESS, amount: AMOUNT, message: MESSAGE }, ...] // ADDRESS = destination address (string, required), AMOUNT = raw CCX (integer, required), MESSAGE = transfer message to be encrypted (string, optional)
const addresses = [ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ...] // ADDRESS = source address string; address in wallet to take funds from
const opts = {
transfers: transfers, // (array, required), ex: [{ address: 'ccx7Xd...', amount: 1000, message: 'tip' }]
addresses: addresses, // (array, optional), ex: ['ccx7Xd...', 'ccx7Xe...']
changeAddress: ADDRESS, // change return address (address string, optional if only one address in wallet or only one source address given), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
paymentId: PAYMENT_ID, // filter (64-digit hex string, optional), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
anonimity: MIX_IN, // input mix count (integer, optional, default 2), ex: 6
fee: FEE, // (raw CCX integer, optional, default is minimum required), ex: 10
unlockHeight: UNLOCK_HEIGHT, // block height to unlock payment (integer, optional), ex: 12750
extra: EXTRA // (variable length string, optional), ex: '123abc'
Create delayed transaction (walletd)
const transfers = [{ address: ADDRESS, amount: AMOUNT, message: MESSAGE }, ...] // ADDRESS = destination address (string, required), AMOUNT = raw CCX (integer, required), MESSAGE = transfer message to be encrypted (string, optional)
const addresses = [ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ...] // ADDRESS = source address string; address in wallet to take funds from
const opts = {
transfers: transfers, // (array, required), ex: [{ address: 'ccx7Xd...', amount: 1000, message: 'tip' }]
addresses: addresses, // (array, optional), ex: ['ccx7Xd...', 'ccx7Xe...']
changeAddress: ADDRESS, // change return address (address string, optional if only one address in wallet or only one source address given), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
paymentId: PAYMENT_ID, // filter (64-digit hex string, optional), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
anonimity: MIX_IN, // input mix count (integer, optional, default 2), ex: 6
fee: FEE, // (raw CCX integer, optional, default is minimum required), ex: 10
unlockHeight: UNLOCK_HEIGHT, // block height to unlock payment (integer, optional), ex: 12750
extra: EXTRA // (variable length string, optional), ex: '123abc'
ccx.createDelayedTransaction(opts) // create but do not send transaction
Get delayed transaction hashes (walletd)
Delete delayed transaction (walletd)
const hash = HASH // (64-digit hex string, required), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
Send delayed transaction (walletd)
const hash = HASH // (64-digit hex string, required), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
Get incoming messages from transaction extra field (walletd)
const extra = EXTRA // (hex string, required), ex: '0199...c3ca'
Create Deposit (walletd)
const opts = {
sourceAddress: ADDRESS, // Wallet address (string), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
amount: AMOUNT, //The amount to deposit (integer), ex: 12750
term: TERM, // The length of the deposit (integer, minimum 21,900) ex: 5600
Send Deposit (walletd)
const opts = {
sourceAddress: ADDRESS, // Wallet address (string), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
amount: AMOUNT, //The amount to deposit (integer), ex: 12750
term: TERM, // The length of the deposit (integer, minimum 21,900) ex: 5600,
destinationAddress: ADDRESS // Wallet address of receiver (string), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
Get Deposit (walletd)
const id = DEPOSIT_ID // Id of the deposit (integer, required), ex: '1'
Withdraw Deposit (walletd)
const id = DEPOSIT_ID // Id of the deposit (integer, required), ex: '1'
Daemon RPC (must provide daemonRpcPort)
Get info // get information about the block chain, including next block height
Get index
ccx.index() // get next block height
Get count
ccx.count() // get next block height
Get currency ID
Get block hash by height
const height = HEIGHT // (integer, required), ex: 12750
ccx.blockHashByHeight(height) // get block hash given height
Get block header by height
const height = HEIGHT // (integer, required), ex: 12750
ccx.blockHeaderByHeight(height) // get block header given height
Get block header by hash
const hash = HASH // (64-digit hex string, required), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
ccx.blockHeaderByHash(hash) // get block header given hash
Get last block header
Get block
const hash = HASH // (64-digit hex string, required), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
Get blocks
const height = HEIGHT // (integer, required), ex: 12750
ccx.blocks(height) // returns 31 blocks up to and including HEIGHT
Get block template
const address = ADDRESS // destination address (string, required), ex: 'ccx7Xd...'
const reserveSize = RESERVE_SIZE // bytes to reserve in block for work, etc. (integer < 256, optional, default 14), ex: 255
const opts = {
address: address,
reserveSize: reserveSize
Submit block
const block = BLOCK // block blob (hex string, required), ex: '0300cb9eb...'
Get transaction
const hash = HASH // (64-digit hex string, required), ex: '0ab1...3f4b'
Get transactions
const arr = [HASH1, HASH2, ...] // (array of 64-digit hex strings, required), ex: ['0ab1...3f4b']
Get transaction pool
Send raw transaction
const transaction = TRANSACTION // transaction blob (hex string, required), ex: ''01d86301...'