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Support generalized loop iteration
Example implementation for a simple linked list:
package Iterate with SPARK_Mode
type Byte is mod 2**8;
type Byte_Array is array (Byte range <>) of Byte;
type Cursor is private;
type Container (<>) is private with
Iterable => (First => First,
Next => Next,
Has_Element => Has_Element,
Element => Element);
function First (Cont : Container) return Cursor;
function Has_Element (Cont : Container; C : Cursor) return Boolean;
function Next (Cont : Container; C : Cursor) return Cursor;
function Element (Cont : Container; C : Cursor) return Byte;
function Init (A : Byte_Array) return Container with
Pre => A'Length > 0 and A'Length <= 100;
function To_Byte (C : Cursor) return Byte;
type Container is array (Byte range 1 .. 100) of Byte;
type Cursor is new Byte;
function First (Cont : Container) return Cursor is (Cursor (Cont'First));
function Has_Element (Cont : Container; C : Cursor) return Boolean is
(Byte (C) in Cont'Range and then Cont (Byte (C)) /= 0);
function Next (Cont : Container; C : Cursor) return Cursor is
(if Byte (C) in Cont'Range
then Cursor (Cont (Byte (C)))
else Cursor (Cont'Last + 1));
function Element (Cont : Container; C : Cursor) return Byte is
(if Byte (C) in Cont'Range
then Byte (Cont (Byte (C)))
else 0);
function To_Byte (C : Cursor) return Byte is (Byte (C));
end Iterate;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
package body Iterate with SPARK_Mode
function Init (A : Byte_Array) return Container
Result : Container := (others => 0);
for I in A'Range loop
Result (Cursor'Pos (Cursor'Val (Result'First) + Byte'Pos (I))) := A (I);
end loop;
return Result;
end Init;
end Iterate;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Iterate; use Iterate;
procedure Main with SPARK_Mode
C : Container := Init ((2, 5, 6, 0, 3, 4));
for E of C loop
Put_Line ("Element: " & To_Byte (E)'Img);
end loop;
end Main;
$ ./obj/main
Element: 2
Element: 5
Element: 3
Element: 6
Element: 4
Due to our separation of State_Type
and Document
, it does not seem like we can implement that easily (without using pointers).