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ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04 error validate service enable and run auditd, rsyslog, cron and systemd-timesyncd

Open rudy500 opened this issue 3 years ago • 8 comments

Description of Problem: reviewing the execution of the review process with XCCDF our recently installed Ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04 servers we identified that the probe_systemdunitproperty validation process fails when trying to validate if the time, audit and rsyslog services.

The services are installed and in a running state, the recommendations were applied as expressed in the manual and in the recommendations (creation of the shell file). We review the file ssg-ubuntu2004-ds-1.2.xml and ssg-ubuntu2004-ds.xml, we identify and repair some errors in the description of the services, however the problem persists, when reviewing the output xml files we identify that the probe_systemdunitproperty process does not is able to retrieve the values for runlevel in these services being that they are in active mode

SCAP Security Guide Version: 0.1.55

Operating System Version: ubuntu 18.04 and ubuntu 20.04

  1. oscap xccdf eval --datastream-id --xccdf-id --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_standard --oval-results --results /tmp/xccdf-results.xml --results-arf /tmp/arf.xml --report /tmp/report.html /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/content/ssg-ubuntu2004-ds.xml
  2. review rule xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_service_timesyncd_enabled
  3. review oval:ssg-service_ntpd_enabled

Actual Results:

failed and error

Expected Results:

pass and passed

Additional Information / Debugging Steps:

rudy500 avatar Apr 16 '21 00:04 rudy500

Seeing same results as well with Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04

anothermerge avatar Apr 20 '22 17:04 anothermerge

This also seems to affect Debian 11.

anothermerge avatar May 10 '22 12:05 anothermerge

The name of the service should probably be validated:

If you can please check the service name and package name for those services in ubuntu18.04 and ubuntu20.04 and then make changes accordingly.

ggbecker avatar Aug 29 '22 12:08 ggbecker

@ggbecker In Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 and Debian 11 the ntp service is called ntp(not ntpd).

The service for cron is cron, and the service for rsyslog is rsyslog.

anothermerge avatar Aug 29 '22 12:08 anothermerge

@dodys maybe those services need the @ubuntu2004 @ubuntu1804 modifiers in the template data. Feel free to implement these.

ggbecker avatar Aug 31 '22 10:08 ggbecker

Thanks, I will take a look at it.

dodys avatar Sep 01 '22 14:09 dodys

I just played with the standard profile on 20.04 and I have doubts:

  1. The standard profile doesn't have service_ntpd_enabled, or any ntp rule for that matter. So why are you even getting results from it?
  2. We don't use service_ntpd_enabled, and instead we use service_ntp_enabled: You can see it being used in cis_level1_server.profile for example.
  3. I also don't see issues with service_timesyncd_enabled. That's the correct service name and the rule passes for me. Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

I didn't try on 18.04, but I believe it will be just the same, as the service name is correct and service_ntpd_enabled is not in the standard profile.

dodys avatar Sep 14 '22 11:09 dodys

This also seems to affect Debian 11.

If you see issues with Debian 11, feel free to propose fixes. But so far I think it will fall to the same as described above and the debian 11 standard profile does use the service_ntp_enabled which has the correct service name

dodys avatar Sep 14 '22 11:09 dodys

Sorry, just now coming back to this. We disabled the checks on the Ubuntu systems because it was failing. I have to turn them back on to test those. But looking at the Debian 11 ones(which the customization doesn't work on, so we can't disable those checks or any others...). I see it claiming that the rsyslog, cron, and ntp services are all a fail. The remedy is to turn them on with systemctl, but I verified that they are both running and enabled to run in systemd. I'm not sure where the breakdown happens, I think you are correct that it isn't a service name mismatch, but something is not working right.

anothermerge avatar Nov 17 '22 14:11 anothermerge

Just an update, I was apparently using the OVAL 5.10 files before. Now with the latest update, I am using the correct ones(Guessing OVAL 5.11 or something?) and these checks work as expected. I do still have an issue with Debian not respecting the tailoring file, but I can open another ticket for that.


anothermerge avatar Dec 13 '22 17:12 anothermerge

I'm closing this issue then. If you find any new issues, please open a new ticket and add more information to help investigate. Thanks!

dodys avatar Dec 16 '22 19:12 dodys