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A simple ship based RTS game for our Complete Unity C# Developer 2D Udemy course: http://gdev.tv/cudgithub
Complete Unity Developer - Section 11 - Ahoy Matey
This is the Complete Unity Developer - one of the most successful e-learning courses on the internet! Completely re-worked from scratch with brand-new projects and our latest teaching techniques. You will benefit from the fact we have already taught over 360,336 students game development, many shipping commercial games as a result.
You're welcome to download, fork or do whatever else legal with all the files! The real value is in our huge, high-quality online tutorials that accompany this repo. You can check out the course here: Complete Unity Developer
In This Section
Section 11 Notes
- Congratulations on your progress.
- Point-and-click 3D isometric ship battle.
- Multiplayer, you can use just one PC.
- Using UNet throughout, minimising prefabs.
- Section notes are attached.
Section 11 Game Design Document (GDD)
- Create a simple GDD live.
- Write a paragraph explaining the game concept.
- List the major game rules.
- Define the asset requirements.
- Think about how we may monetise this game.
Testing Network Games Locally
- An overview of the development process.
- Unity Editor against local build.
- Testing between two different machines on LAN.
- Version control is an option (Git, SVN, etc).
- Optional: set-up Dropbox sync between 2 PCs.
Deploying Our Game Locally
- How to deploy the same version to 2 machines.
- Version control is an option (Git, SVN, etc).
- You could use a shared folder.
- Set-up Dropbox sync between 2 PCs.
- Care to use one as master (also the host).
Introducing Network Manager
- The concept of a stack of APIs.
- An overview of Unity’s network stack.
- Finding out where to start with networking.
- Get our game running with networking enabled
Replacing Network Manager HUD
- Why we want to replace the default HUD.
- What the default HUD does for us.
- Create our own “Start Host” button.
- Where to find the API documentation.
- Wiring the button to script and testing.
About The Override Keyword
- A recap of inheritance.
- What the override keyword does.
- Why we need to use it here.
- Explaining public override void OnStartHost()
- Test the result.
Logging Client Start Requests
- About localhost* vs. an IPv4 address.
- Finding out your machine’s IP address.
- Temporarily using the HUD again to connect.
- Connecting to a local build via localhost.
* localhost - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Using NetworkTransform
- What NetworkTransform does for us.
- About NetworkIdentity and why it’s needed.
- Make movements travel over the network.
- Test this over the LAN, and with local build.
- Optionally: test this to a mobile too.
Networked Player Movement
- Understanding players in multiplayer games.
- Getting players working on clients.
- Filter input with NetworkBehaviour.isLocalPlayer
Multiple Players With Local Authority
- Adding a Network Transform to our player.
- Re-introducing Local Player Authority.
- Testing 3-way player movement.
MultiPlayer Cameras
- Add a camera as a child of Player.
- What is causing our camera issue.
- One simple way of solving it.
- Care with disabling camera object vs. component.
- Don’t use deprecated NetworkView component
Network Recap & What’s Next
- Talk through Unity’s Network System Concepts*
- Ask “What’s not fun about this game”.
- Challenge you to make a basic game.
- Please thank @MarcoValeKaz for the ship.
* Unity Manual - Network Systems Concepts
DOWNLOAD Section 11 Unity Project
Section 11 Wrap-Up
- About the course taper structure.
- You have everything you need.
- Keep testing, keep asking, keep learning.
- I’m committed to maintaining this course.
- That includes adding to this section if needed.