09-ZombieRunner-Original copied to clipboard
First person shooter with Unity terrain and AI pathfinding (http://gdev.tv/cudgithub)
Complete Unity Developer - Section 9 - Zombie Runner
This is the Complete Unity Developer - one of the most successful e-learning courses on the internet! Completely re-worked from scratch with brand-new projects and our latest teaching techniques. You will benefit from the fact we have already taught over 360,336 students game development, many shipping commercial games as a result.
You're welcome to download, fork or do whatever else legal with all the files! The real value is in our huge, high-quality online tutorials that accompany this repo. You can check out the course here: Complete Unity Developer
In This Section
Introduction to Zombie Runner
- Creating a stunning 3D terrain.
- Built-in character controllers.
- AI navigation and pathfinding.
- VR compatible HUD interface.
- Item pick-ups.
Section 9 Game Design Document
About this document...
- A brief specification of your game.
- Can change as you go along.
- Meant to help keep you focused
- … and to remind you of your original idea.
- We suggest you write one every time.
Your Zombie Runner Assets
Section 9 Notes
In this section...
- Creating a stunning 3D terrain.
- Built-in character controllers.
- AI navigation and pathfinding.
- VR compatible HUD interface.
- Item pick-ups.
About Unity 5.1 Features
- Ensure you have Unity 5.1 or later installed.
- What's new in Unity 5.1
- What we'll be using in this section.
Creating A Terrain
- Read the Game Design Document.
- How to setup your terrain.
- Some Unity terrain settings.
- Raising and lowering terrain.
- Painting textures on terrain.
First Person Character Controller
- What is a First Person controller.
- Why would we want to use it?
- Using the standard First Person controller.
- Previewing your terrain from ground level.
- About slope limits.
Placing Trees & Details
- How to place trees on your terrain.
- How to paint grass details.
- About grass and billboards.
- Performance impact of grass.
Adding A Water Table
- Using Unity 5's wonderful water prefab.
- Create a “water table” in your terrain.
- Dig down to create some water hazards.
- Paint mud under the water's surface.
- Preview water from the ground.
Awsome-ify Your Scene Lighting
- Moving scene view to character view.
- Adding fog to your scene.
- Add a lens flare to the sun.
- Add a flare layer to the FPSController camera.
Setting Up Your Navmesh
- What is a Navmesh.
- Setting up a terrain Navmesh.
- About bake settings.
- Bake our NavMesh.
- Preview to ensure it suits our terrain.
Scaling Your Characters
- Using a reference cube in your scene.
- Setting your first person character eye height.
- Checking character scale against environment.
Setup Player Spawn Points
- Setup player spawn points in hierarchy.
- Update FPSController prefab before deleting.
- Create a PlayerSpawner.cs script.
- Arrange for player to spawn randomly on Start()
Using Input Mapping
- About the Unity Input Manager.
- Create input for view zoom (default v).
- Create input for call helicopter (default h).
- Give both inputs basic 'placeholder' behaviour.
- Preventing duplicate key presses.
Adding 3D Helicopter Sound
- About 3D sounds.
- Attaching and tweaking your first 3D sound.
- Arranging simple helicopter landing.
- About 2D / 3D Spatial Blend.
- Using multiple audio sources.
Rigged “Mechanim” Animation
- Introducing Unity's Mechanim system.
- Exploring how Ethan is constructed.
- Finding the rigging and muscles tool.
Exploring Humanoid Animation
- An overview of how Ethan is animated.
- About re-targeting animations.
- Introducing Blend Trees.
- What is Inverse Kinematics (IK)?
Simple Day-Night Cycle
- A little about Earth's orbit.
- Coding a simple day-night cycle.
- Using a time scaling parameter.
Searching For Clear Area
- Looking for a suitable landing place.
- Which type of collider to detect a clear area?
- Creating a simple system.
- Our vision for the game.
Using SendMessageUpwards
- Introducing SendMessageUpwards()*
- Creating a message for the helicopter call.
- Making the helo respond to the message.
* Unity Scripting API - Component.SendMessageUpwards()
Inner Voice To Guide Player
- Using an inner voice to guide the player.
- Recording some sound prompts.
- Triggering sound prompts at the right time.
- Handling multiple AudioSources.
- Using audio priority.
Using BroadcastMessage()
- BroadcastMessage() sends down the hierarchy.
- Creating a natural parent RadioSystem object.
- Creating a new child of player called InnerVoice.
- Reduce to one Audio Source per game object.
Refactoring Our Message System
- Sending messages up and down the hierarchy.
- Using Invoke() to delay audio playback.
- Writing RadioSystem.cs for radio communication.
Normalizing Audio Files
- Recording dialog placeholders.
- Remember you may need a .mp3 licence
- About normalizing sound volume.
- Organising and attaching audio.
Landing Area Prefab
- Creating a landing area prefab.
- Using the flare particle effect.
- Setting the game to start at dusk.
- Making the player deploy the flare.
Compacting Your Unity Folder
- What we've left-out and why.
- Checking our project is tidy.
- How to compact your Unity folder.
- Finding our code on GitHub.
- Over to you.
DOWNLOAD Section 9 Unity Project
The end state of our Zombie Runner project is attached for download.