Context-Aware_Crowd_Counting-pytorch copied to clipboard
The implementation of Context-Aware Crowd Counting(CVPR2019)
Q- Can i load pretrained weights for training of part A?
你好,为什么我用的你的代码,跑了352个epoch(shanghaiTech Part_A),mae81左右,没有达到论文说的62.3
The paper sain'We therefore exploit them as input to auxiliary networks with weights θjsa that compute the weights ωj assigned to each one of the S different scales we use.',But...
when I train ,apperance “OSError: cannot find loader for this HDF5 file,how to solve this problem ”
When using data_preparation /, I can't find 'IMG_1.npy'. Has anyone encountered this problem? Thanks for answering.
resize the img and target to the desired size? It's not a common approach and not a ideal handle intuitively. The image size of SHT-A is quite Variegated, will that...
请问您这个是不是只有train test,没有val?