Frank Elsinga

Results 560 comments of Frank Elsinga

@karelkryda Could you add The following to the description (allowing these to show up as having a PR ready to merge them ^^): Resolves #1089 Resolves #2261 Resolves #2348 Resolves...

> (there are likely more that can be linked to the description, but these were the ones I found at a cursory glance) Resolves #2487 Resolves #3548

This PR is quite a way behind master and at this point is incompatible => would need a heavy rebase to be reviewable and would need to adress

@byeong0 Please refrain from posting `+1` / requests for update-things on PRs, as this makes reviewing it even harder. PRs are for noting problems and working on them, while for...

@trogper Do you think integrating would be a good idea?

True, I don't think anymore that integrating this would be a good idea. Could you add a `Closing #3316` to the description? (Reasoning: This PR makes said issue irrelevant and...

This is a massive change and, as mentioned above by Louis, currently does not fully work. Once we have - better test coverage and - the bugs which remain are...

> We'll do a trial run with these. Were there some Problems you encountered? Is there something I should fix?

@JWilson5607 Have you tried setting said variable to `true`? See our docs on `iframes`:

> Is this PR still being worked on? I think at this point this is doubtfull. Given how much of the statisitics relevant codebase was changed in the upcoming v2-release...