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Network Intrusion Detection System using Deep Learning Techniques

Deep Learning - IDS

Towards Developing a Network Intrusion Detection System using Deep Learning Techniques

  • Published article:


In this project, we aim to explore the capabilities of various deep-learning frameworks in detecting and classifying network intursion traffic with an eye towards designing a ML-based intrusion detection system.


  • Downloaded from:
  • contains: 7 csv preprocessed and labelled files, top feature selected files, original traffic data in pcap format and logs
  • used csv preprocessed and labelled files for this research project

Data Cleanup

  • dropped rows with Infinitiy values
  • some files had repeated headers; dropped those
  • converted timestamp value that was date time format: 15-2-2018 to UNIX epoch since 1/1/1970
  • separated data based on attack types for each data file
  • ~20K rows were removed as a part of data cleanup
  • see script for this phase
  • # Samples in table below are total samples left in each dataset after dropping # Dropped rows/samples

Dataset Summary

File Name Traffic Type # Samples # Dropped
02-14-2018.csv Benign 663,808 3818
FTP-BruteForce 193,354 6
SSH-Bruteforce 187,589 0
02-15-2018.csv Benign 988,050 8027
DOS-GoldenEye 41,508 0
DOS-Slowloris 10,990 0
02-16-2018.csv Benign 446,772 0
Dos-SlowHTTPTest 139,890 0
DoS-Hulk 461,912 0
02-22-2018.csv Benign 1,042,603 5610
BruteForce-Web 249 0
BruteForce-XSS 79 0
SQL-Injection 34 0
02-23-2018.csv Benign 1,042,301 5708
BruteForce-Web 362 0
BruteForce-XSS 151 0
SQL-Injection 53 0
03-01-2018.csv Benign 235,778 2259
Infiltration 92,403 660
03-02-2018.csv Benign 758,334 4050
BotAttack 286,191 0
Traffic Type # Samples
Benign 5,177,646
FTP-BruteForce 193,354
SSH-BruteForce 187,589
DOS-GoldenEye 41,508
Dos-Slowloris 10,990
Dos-SlowHTTPTest 139,890
Dos-Hulk 461,912
BruteForce-Web 611
BruteForce-XSS 230
SQL-Injection 87
Infiltration 92,403
BotAttack 286,191
Total Attack 1,414,765

Deep Learning Frameworks

  • perfomance results using various deep learning frameworks are compared
  • 10-fold cross-validation techniques was used to validate the model


  • uses PyTorch, as the backend


  • using TensorFlow and Theano as backend

Experiment Results


Dataset Framework Accuracy (%) Std-Dev GPU Time (~mins)
02-14-2018 FastAI 99.85 0.07 *
Keras-TensorFlow 98.80 * *
Keras-Theano * * *
02-15-2018 FastAI 99.98 0.01 25
Keras-Tensorfflow 99.32 * *
Keras-Theano * * *
02-16-2018 FastAI 100.00 0.00 16
Keras-TensorFlow 99.84 * *
Keras-Theano * * *
02-22-2018 FastAI 99.87 0.15 110
Keras-TensorFlow 99.97 * *
Keras-Theano * * *
02-23-2018 FastAI 99.92 0.00 120
Keras-TensorFlow 99.94 * *
Keras-Theano * * *
03-01-2018 FastAI 87.00 0.00 5
Keras-TensorFlow 72.20 * *
Keras-Theano * * *
03-02-2018 FastAI 99.97 .01 75
Keras-TensorFlow 98.12 * *
Keras-Theano * * *
=== === === === ===
Multiclass Keras-TensorFlow 94.73 * *
Keras-Theano * * *
FastAI * * *
Binaryclass Keras-TensorFlow 94.40 * *
Keras-Theano * * *
FastAI * * *

FastAI Results

Summary Results

Data File Accuracy Loss
02-14-2018.csv 99.99% 0.00212
02-15-2018.csv 99.86% 0.02500
02-16-2018.csv 99.97% 324160
02-22-2018.csv 99.97% 0.00221
02-23-2018.csv 99.82% 0.06295
03-01-2018.csv 87.14% 0.37611
03-02-2018.csv 99.72% 0.85127
IDS-2018-binaryclass.csv* 98.68% 0.37692
IDS-2018-multiclass.csv* 98.31% 7.06169

* Trained on VMgpu

Confusion Matrices

02-14-2018 02-15-2018 02-16-2018
02-22-2018 02-23-2018 03-01-2018
03-02-2018 IDS-2018-binaryclass IDS-2018-multiclass

Attack Sample Distribution and Detection Accuracy

Data File % of Attack Samples % Attacks Flagged Correctly % Benign Flagged Incorrectly
02-14-2018 36.46 100.00 0.00*
02-15-2018 5.04 99.85 0.00*
02-16-2018 57.39 100.00 0.00*
02-22-2018 0.00* 0.02 0.00
02-23-2018 0.00* 61.61 0.00*
03-01-2018 28.16 73.19 10.16
03-02-2018 27.40 99.85 0.00*
Binary-Class 21.50 94.60 0.21
Multi-Class 21.50 93.9 0.48

* Small, non-zero values

Using VMgpu

Dataset Framework Accuracy (%) Std-Dev GPU Time (~mins)
02-14-2018 FastAI 99.54 0.32 100.36
Keras-TensorFlow 99.14 * 100.29
Keras-Theano 98.58 * *
02-15-2018 FastAI 99.98 0.01 103.16
Keras-TensorFlow 99.33 * 96.34
Keras-Theano 99.17 * *
02-16-2018 FastAI 99.66 0.25 104.51
Keras-TensorFlow 99.66 * 99.59
Keras-Theano 99.41 * *
02-22-2018 FastAI 99.90 0.09 102.83
Keras-TensorFlow 99.97 * 96.71
Keras-Theano 99.97 * *
02-23-2018 FastAI 99.88 0.08 104.43
Keras-TensorFlow 95.95 * 100.79
Keras-Theano 99.95 * *
03-01-2018 FastAI 86.47 0.78 33.23
Keras-TensorFlow 72.16 * 33.15
Keras-Theano 72.04 * *
03-02-2018 FastAI 99.94 0.04 104.34
Keras-TensorFlow 98.47 * 105.95
Keras-Theano 93.95 * *
=== === === === ===
Multiclass FastAI 98.60 0.16 683.12
Keras-TensorFlow 92.09 * 652.89
Keras-Theano * * *
Binaryclass FastAI 98.75 0.05 675.98
Keras-TensorFlow 95.14 * 632.36
Keras-Theano * * *

fastai CPU vs GPU training time on vmGPU

Dataset Hardware Accuracy (%) Time (~mins)
CPU 99.86 1193.84
GPU 99.54 100.36
CPU 99.93 1299.55
GPU 99.89 103.16
CPU 99.88 433.63
GPU 99.66 104.51
CPU 99.83 3091.34
GPU 99.90 102.83
CPU 99.83 1938.74
GPU 99.88 104.43
CPU 85.39 80.07
GPU 86.47 33.23
CPU 99.76 1503.18
GPU 99.94 104.34
=== === === ===
CPU 96.63 19361.95
GPU 98.60 683.12
CPU 96.66 19441.55
GPU 98.75 632.36


  1. Iman Sharafaldin, Arash Habibi Lashkari, and Ali A. Ghorbani, “Toward Generating a New Intrusion Detection Dataset and Intrusion Traffic Characterization”, 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP), Portugal, January 2018