UnityURP-MobileScreenSpacePlanarReflection copied to clipboard
No reflection on macOS (Metal)
@ColinLeung-NiloCat Thank you very much for fixing the reflection when changing the height of the plane. Reflections now work perfectly on Windows and Android with Vulkan.

Unfortunately reflections are missing on the M1 MacBook Air using Metal. Enabling them gives this error:
CommandBuffer: temporary render texture _MobileSSPR_PackedDataRT not found while executing SSPR (SetComputeTextureParam) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
I get the same error in my own project as well as a clone of this repo. The error occurs in the latest Unity 2021 LTS (2021.3.15f1) as well as the latest Unity 2020 LTS (2020.3.42f1).
Hello, I also have no reflection on the macOS (Metal) platform. Have you solved it?
@Gu-yusi Unfortunately not. There is a paid asset called Shiny SSRR 2 which supports Metal though.
If you want to use SSR for water in URP then I'd recommend the water from the Boat Attack sample. I've found version 2.0.0-preview.1 works better since it's easier to configure at runtime and works with the line renderer ripples from Boat Attack. You can test it yourself in the 2021-update branch of Boat Attack.
It's great because you can use either reflection probes, cubemap, SSR or planar reflections and change it during runtime.
@Torgo13 Oh, thank you very much for your answer, I have solved it. The problem is in MobileSSPRComputeShader.computer, you should put RWTexture2D
changed to
Thank you for your recommendation, this plugin is excellent. But what I really need is SSPR, because I need to consider the mobile platform :)