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ASaDev, I want a storage mechanism

Open ColinFay opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

Let's port of here.

With memory storage (cachem), disk storage (qs), and remote (memoise + bank)

ColinFay avatar Mar 28 '23 07:03 ColinFay

Simply copied for now. Two things that came to my mind:

  1. Set self$path to private$path; this is taste, but one might prohibit direct access and work with setters/getters in the public interface to change the path with checks on the correctness/catching typos when changing the path etc.
  2. For adding storage (cachem) and remote memoise + bank either of:
    • make Storage class a skeleton/interface/abstract class with (private) members themselves being R6 classes of the type that is now added (from qs) in #13 and provide access to the other classes (for cachem/memoise+bank) through this interface
    • or, alternatively, define 3 separate R6 classes, one for each task (i.e. skip the interface class)

Since 2. is a design thing, and I have no idea where this is going, let me know the direction @ColinFay , I am happy to help!

ilyaZar avatar Mar 28 '23 12:03 ilyaZar