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An R package for NUTS sampling using ADMB
The aim of 'adnuts' (pronounced A-D NUTS like A-D MB) is to provide advanced MCMC sampling for 'ADMB' and 'TMB' models. It mimics 'Stan' in functionality and feel, specifically providing no-U-turn (NUTS) sampling with adaptive mass matrix and parallel execution.
The R package 'tmbstan' (available on CRAN) has largely replaced the TMB capabilities since original development. As such, adnuts is primarily used for ADMB models. See the following paper for an introduction to the package capabilities, and contrast with tmbstan:
Monnahan CC, Kristensen K (2018) No-U-turn sampling for fast Bayesian inference in ADMB and TMB: Introducing the adnuts and tmbstan R packages. PLoS ONE 13(5):e0197954.
'adnuts' was designed specifically for use in fisheries stock assessments, and interested authors are referred to:
Monnahan, C.C., T.A. Branch, J.T. Thorson, I.J. Stewart, C.S. Szuwalksi (2020) Overcoming long Bayesian run times in integrated fisheries stock assessments. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
The 'sample_rwm' and 'sample_nuts' functions draw posterior samples from an ADMB model using an MCMC algorithm (random walk Metropolis or no-U-turn sampler). The returned fitted object contains samples and other information. The function 'extract_samples' can be used to get posterior samples (post warmup and thinning) into a data frame for inference, while 'launch_shinyadmb' can be used for interactive diagnostics based on 'ShinyStan'.
A brief demonstration
is the best place to help get you started, and there is also a user guide:
for more detailed information.
To use the ADMB functionality you need to build your model with version
12.0 (released December 2017) or later, otherwise this functionality is not
available. See the ADMB installation
instructions for more
information. ADMB 12.2 is highly recommended because it provides better
console output, fixes bugs, and adds improved adaptation capabilities as
compared to 12.0. You can check the ADMB version of a compiled model from
the command line with a command model.exe -version
which prints the
version among other things.
The adnuts R package version 1.1.2 can be installed from CRAN:
. Future minor releases listed
here may not be
released on CRAN so the latest stable version can be installed as:
The development version can be installed as:
devtools::install_github('Cole-Monnahan-NOAA/adnuts', ref='dev')
Known issues
Windows users may experience issues if their model name is too long. In some cases the OS will rename the output files using a "short" version. You'll see files like "MODEL~1.par". The package tries to handle this but it is highly recommended to simply shorten your filename. So instead of 'model_filename_2021.tpl' use e.g. 'model_21'.
Analyses are reproducible by setting the same initial values and a seed in
or sample_nuts
(passed to ADMB as '-mcseed'). However, they
may not be entirely consistent across OS platforms. The chains will start
the same but may eventually diverge. This is likely due to minuscule
differences in the gradient and log-posterior calculations between systems
and compilers.
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