Recaf copied to clipboard
ZipException: duplicate entry: r/p/w/q/z.class/
我正在对一款混有 "paramorphism" 的Minecraft客户端进行一些见不得人的事情 然鹅我的Recaf它不可以加载 "paramorphism" 混淆过后的class文件 最主要的是 我不能将文件排除在外 太糟糕了!
I can't do anything without a sample jar to test with.
I can't do anything without a sample jar to test with.
I can't do anything without a sample jar to test with.
一个典型的混有 "paramorphism" 的Minecraft1.12.2
Can no longer reproduce original issue on at least 72d9a5b9d08910554d4fc71a0f9a0adf7fe65e94
Not all files in the sample appear to get parsed though: