> I love you I don't know why it didn't work for me. Here's my app.js: ``` const NodeMediaServer = require('node-media-server'); const config = { rtmp: { port: 1935, chunk_size:...
`facechain: failed to install mmcv, make sure to have "CUDA Toolkit" and "Build Tools for Visual Studio" installed` Looks like you're missing one of those, or both, necessary tools for...
> Installed both, i still cant install mmcv > > > `facechain: failed to install mmcv, make sure to have "CUDA Toolkit" and "Build Tools for Visual Studio" installed` >...
> I used the links you kindly provided, im using an rtx 4090 > > Installed both, i still cant install mmcv > > > > > `facechain: failed to...
> Its now completely broken stable diffusion wont even start anymore Alright that's weird, as I'm currently using CUDA 11.8 and everything's working as expected. What happens when you try...
> I reinstalled sd now and it starts again but it looks like i cant install extensions anymore it seems stuck in the process im waiting for 450 seconds now...
> The issue is fixed after adding `suppressHydrationWarning` in layout Eg: `` > > > > It is also part of the documentation in shadcn, I in the dark mode...