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Node.js client library for the Coggle API

Coggle API Javascript Client

NPM version

Basic Use

See coggle-issue-importer or coggle-opml-importer for complete example applications, including authentication.

npm install coggle
var CoggleApi = require('coggle');

var coggle = new CoggleApi({

    "My New Coggle"
    function(err, diagram){
            throw err;
        console.log("created diagram!", diagram);

API Documentation

Class CoggleApi

The Coggle API client.


Create a new instance of the Coggle API client.


new CoggleApi({token:user_auth_token})


  • options type: Object
    Possible Options:
    • token, required: API user authentication token

Method listDiagrams()

Lists diagrams accessible to the authorised user.


  • options type: Object
    Possible Options:
    • organisation: The organisation to fetch diagrams for. (If undefined, the authenticated user's personal Coggles will be retrieved)
  • callback type: Function
    Callback accepting (Error, [Array of CoggleApiDiagram])

Method createDiagram()

Create a new Coggle diagram.


  • title type: String
    Title for the created diagram.
  • callback type: Function
    Callback accepting (Error, CoggleApiDiagram)

Class CoggleApiDiagram

Coggle API Diagram object.


Create a new instance of a Coggle API Diagram object.


  • coggle_api type: CoggleApi
    The API client used for accessing this diagram.
  • diagram_resource type: Object
    Diagram Resource object, with at least _id and title fields

Method webUrl()

Return the web URL for accessing this diagram.

Method getNodes()

Get all of the nodes (branch elements) in a Diagram.


  • callback type: Function
    Callback accepting (Error, [Array of CoggleApiNode])

Method arrange()

Rearrange the nodes in this diagram. Use with care!

This function performs a server-side re-arrangement of all of the items in the diagram. It will attempt to make sure no items overlap, and to space things out evenly, it is not guaranteed to produce the same result when called with the same parameters.

Use of this function is generally discouraged, for the same reason that an auto-arrange function isn't provided in the web interface to Coggle: the placement of items can convey meaning, and if your program understands relationships in the data (such as a natural ordering, or that some sibling branches are more closely associated than others), then you should make use of that information to perform a custom layout.


  • callback type: Function
    Callback accepting (Error, [Array of CoggleApiNode])

Class CoggleApiNode

Coggle API Node object, which represents individual parts("nodes") of the branches in a Coggle diagarm


Create a new instance of a Coggle API Node object.


  • coggle_api_diagram type: CoggleApiDiagram
    The Diagram in which this node belongs.
  • node_resource type: Object
    Node Resource object, with at least _id (String), text (String), and offset ({x:Number, y:Number}) fields.

Method addChild()

Add a child to this item. The child is positioned relative to this item, and will move when you move this item.


  • text Text to add for the item.
  • offset type: Object: {x:Number, y:Number}
    Offset of the new item from this one. The x coordinate is along the branch direction, the y coordinate is vertically down from the top of the document.
  • callback type: Function
    Callback accepting (Error, CoggleApiNode)

Method update()

Update the properties of this node


  • properties type: Object: {text:String, offset:{x:Number, y:Number}, parent:String}
    Omitted properties are unmodified.
  • callback type: Function
    Callback accepting (Error, CoggleApiNode)

Method setText()

Set the text of this node.


  • text type: String
    New text to set
  • callback type: Function
    Callback accepting (Error, CoggleApiNode)

Method move()

Move this node to a new offset relative to its parent.


  • offset type: Object {x:Number, y:Number}
    New position to set
  • callback type: Function
    Callback accepting (Error, CoggleApiNode)

Method remove()

Remove this node, and all nodes descended from it.


  • callback type: Function
    Callback accepting (Error)