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Sets up aurutils inside a chroot for building Arch Linux AUR packages.


The emphasis of aurch is using a chroot for AUR 'build isolation' rather than 'clean chroot building'.
Aurch isolates the build environment to mitigate build script errors or malicious intent causing issues on the host.
The original aurch script has been split into two scripts.
The setup operations are now separate from the AUR package building operations.

Aurch-setup builds and sets up an systemd nspawn chroot for building packages with aurutils, a local AUR repo, and user name "builduser", all within the chroot. The chroot is persistent, and intended for data storage and to be used for all AUR builds. Aurch-setup is also capable of setting up the host system with a local pacman AUR repo.

Builds all AUR packages in the chroot, isolated from the host.
After the packages are built, they're copied into the host AUR cache and entered into the pacman database.
Builds and installs all required AUR dependencies in the chroot.
Installs any required pgp keys in the chroot.
Removes all packages used in the chroot building process upon completion, maintaining a minimal footprint with a small, consistent package base.
All the AUR packages and AUR dependencies are backed up within the chroot.

Aurch script isolates the build process from the host, not to be confused with building packages in a clean chroot.
Scripts such as devtools were not written to and do not isolate the build process from the host.
devtools info

	aurch [operation[options]] [package | pgp key]

	-B* --build	Build new or update an existing AUR package.
	-G  --git	Git clones an AUR package.
	-C  --compile	Build an AUR package on existing PKGBUILD. Useful for implementing changes to PKGBUILD.
	-Rh		Remove AUR pkg from host.   Removes:   /AURREPO/<package>,  <package> if installed,  and database entry.
	-Rc		Remove AUR pkg from chroot. Removes:   /build/<package>,    /${HOME}/<build dir>,    and database entry.
	-Syu  --update  Update chroot packages. ie: Runs pacman -Syu in chroot.
	-Luh* --lsudh	List update info for AUR packages installed in host.
	-Luc* --lsudc	List update info for AUR packages in chroot.
	-Lah* --lsaurh	List AUR database contents/status of host.
	-Lac* --lsaurc	List AUR database contents/status of chroot.
	      --login   Login to chroot for maintenance.
	      --clean	Manually remove unneeded packages from chroot.
	      --pgp	Manually import pgp key in chroot.
	-h,   --help	Prints help.

	-L, List:
		Append 'q' to list operations -L[u,c,h] for quiet mode.
		Example: aurch -Luq
		Do not mix order or attempt to use 'q' other than described.

	-B, Build:
		Append 'i' to build operation -B to install package in host.
		Example: aurch -Bi
		Do not mix order or attempt to use 'i' other than described.

		Run aurch-setup before using aurch.
		Run aurch to manage AUR packages.
		Aurch is designed to handle AUR packages individually, one at a time.
		ie: No group updates or multi package per operation capability.
		The aurch chroot must be periodically updated via the 'aurch -Syu' command.
		Update chroot before buiding packages.


		Create a directory to setup the chroot:		mkdir ~/aurbuilds
		Move into directory:				cd ~/aurbuilds
		Set up chroot:					aurch-setup --setupchroot
		Set up local AUR repo:				aurch-setup --setuphost


		Build an AUR package(+):			aurch -B  <aur-package>
		Build and install AUR package:			aurch -Bi <aur-package>
		Git clone package				aurch -G  <aur-package>
		Build (Compile) AUR pkg on existing PKGBUILD	aurch -C  <aur-package>
		Remove AUR package from host:			aurch -Rh <aur-package>
		Remove AUR package from chroot:			aurch -Rc <aur-package>
		List chroot AUR repo updates available:		aurch -Luc
		List chroot AUR sync database contents:		aurch -Lac
		List host AUR sync database contents:		aurch -Lah
		List host AUR repo updates available:		aurch -Lah
		Manually import a pgp key in chroot:		aurch --pgp <short or long key id>
		Manually remove unneeded packages in chroot:	aurch --clean
		Login to chroot for maintenance:                aurch --login

		BASEDIR = path to chroot base dir
		AURREPO = path to host aur repo
		REPONAME =  host aur repo name

(+) Package is placed into local AUR repo and entry made in pacman AUR database.
    Install with pacman -S <aur-package>


Screenshot: aurch --setup
Screenshot: aurch -B bauerbill


UPDATE For April 21, 2024
Aurch-setup: Added 'mc' package as checked/installed dependency.

UPDATE For April 17, 2024
Fix info box "Chroot Path" line, to automatically align.
Added '-' to 'opt' variable in '# Optionally install package #' section for
incorrect shellcheck SC2154. # SC2154 opt is assigned in option parsing.

UPDATE For April 14, 2024
Added '-V --version' operation to both aurch and aurch-setup.
Append '-' to 'udb' variable in 'upd_aur_db' function as required by 'set -u'.

NEWS For April 12, 2024
Subject: Debug Packages
Some time back, pacman enabled debug packages by default in '/etc/makepkg.conf'.
This results in a dbug package being build for AUR packages.
If this is unwanted behavior, edit '/container-path/etc/makepkg.conf' appropriately.
See: Notes in makepkg.conf for add info.
To remove any unwanted AUR debug packages from the host and/or AUR sync db,
Install the 'package-debug' with pacman.
Remove it using aurch. ie: aurch -Rh 'package-debug'.

UPDATE For April 12, 2024
Setup virtual environment for testing.
Pacman's repo-add no longer allows a new, empty repo to be initialized.
Made changes to accommodate repo-adds new behavior.
Made changes to implement the use of 'set -euo pipefail'.
Discovered a new issue upon initial run caused by adding 'set -euo pipefail.
Script exited on a 'find' command returning an empty result, along with expected non zero exit code.
Set place holder files in AUR repos so find command returns a result, and zero exit code.

UPDATE For April 8, 2024
Fix 'Convert input to all lower case', positional parameter expansion to 'package' variable.
Added error handling for no package input used with '-B' and '-G' operations.
Cleaned up script comments and removed commented out testing code.

UPDATE For April 7, 2024
Although I don't base the quality of bash scripts on the use of the controversial 'set -euo pipefail', I have been curious about what changes would be required to implement it.
Updated the aurch script to implement 'set -euo pipefail'.
Directly from my notes:

'set -u' Will not allow printing vars to file, lines 48-58.	Appending '-' to all vars fixed issue.
'set -u' Will not allow using positional parameters.		Appending '-' to all positional parameters fixed issue.
'set -u' Exits on: "/path/to/script/ line 147: $2: unbound variable"
Line 147, '$2' is part of an awk command inside an "EOF [here doc]" and not a bash positional parameter. (A bash bug?)
Rewrote 'fetch_pkg' function lines ~143-159, to accommodate 'set -u' by removing awk from the here doc.

UPDATE For March 10, 2023
Updated script for compatiblity with interface changes made to aurutils-11.
Updated README to reflect changes and clarify info.

UPDATE For Jan 07, 2023
When deleting AUR packages from host, corrected ability to remove "all versions" of pkgs from the host AUR package cache.
Add an if statement to 'check_host_updates' function to properly handle and print message 'No Updates Available'.
Edited message in 'check_host_updates' function when package is newer than the AUR rpc version to:
"VCS Packages newer than AUR rpc version. Run 'aurch -Luc' to check them for updates.".

UPDATE For Feb 11, 2022
Change curl commands to reflect AUR RPC interface update/changes.
Add removal of /var/tmp/aurch/orig-pkgs.log ("${tmph}"/orig-pkgs.log) in chroot so 'orig package list' reflects edits/changes made to .#orig-pkgs.log in base dir.
Add if statement to check build dir/s for .git dir. This allows adding misc dir's (ie: 'testing' toolchain pkgs) under buildusers home.

UPDATE For Jan 21, 2022
Disable 'set -e'.
Testing in virtual hw system revealed failure to build pkg that was not present on test system.

UPDATE For Jan 06, 2022
Implemented 'set -e' in script.
Added code line 162 to enable proper 'set -e'.
Added '-a' opt to systemd-nspawn commands.
Replaced cat with sort in subshell for comm command.
Added 'else' to if statement in upd_aur_db function.

UPDATE For Dec 14, 2021
Added operations:

aurch -Syu     System update in chroot
aurch -Luh     List updates available in host for installed AUR packages
aurch --login  Login to chroot system to perform maintenance

Added check to avoid multiple re-downloading pgp keys.
Added AUR file inspection before building using PAGER with interactive y/n option in script.
Replaced some for loops with while loops when working with files.
Added code to remove operation in chroot to assure all possible conditions are handled.
Began implementation of 'aur build --results' file to replace grepped output for conditional processing.
Added missing aur database entry for rebuilt, overwritten, same version packages.
Removed install workaround in host for missing database entry using pacman -u.

UPDATE For Dec 10, 2021
The predominant focus this time around was implementing some additional flexibility to allow aurch to be usable for more than my personal setup and preferences. Implemented virtual hardware testing as a start towards this objective.
Split the system setup and building packages into separate scripts. To many additional smaller changes to go over here. Future road map includes implementing a built in inspection step of downloaded AUR data and running a check for existing PGP keys to eliminate needless re-downloading.

UPDATE For Nov 29, 2021
Added pacutils as a dependency.
Added ability when overwriting existing packages in host to handle multiple entries from split packages.
Rewrote check_updates function to reduce and simplify code.
Added/changed the following operations/options:

Remove operation:

aurch -Rc	Performs the following on chroot:
			Removes package from local AUR repo, /build.
			Removes build dir /home/builduser/<package>.
			Removes <package> entry in AUR database.

aurch -Rh	Performs the following on host:
			Removes package from local AUR repo, AURREPO.
			Removes <package> (pacman -Rns) if installed.
			Removes <package> entry in AUR database.

Build operation option:

aurch -Bi	[i][install] package in host after build.

List operation options:

aurch -Luq	[q][quiet] lists available aur updates for chroot [packages only].
aurch -Lcq	[q][quiet] lists chroot aur sync database [packages only].
aurch -Lhq	[q][quiet] lists host aur sync database [packages only].

UPDATE For Nov 27, 2021
Rewrote 'here document' usage to extend systemd-nspawn functionality, rather than inserting multiple small scripts into chroot.
Added code and printed comments relating to rebuilding and reinstalling same version of packages.
Reworked 'setup_chroot' function to eliminated the evil 'eval' command.
Integrated /var/tmp directory usage in chroot and added file extensions to ease it's cleanup.

UPDATE For Nov 24, 2021
Added '-L --listup' operation, to lists updates.
The new function runs on the packages in the chroot AUR repo.
It compares local vs remote git HEAD and lists mismatching packages.

UPDATE For Nov 21, 2021
Added function to add packages to hosts AUR repo database.

UPDATE For Nov 20, 2021
Fixed for proper split package handling.

UPDATE For Nov 14, 2021
Rewrote aurch to no longer require AUR dependencies. No AUR helper required on host.
Creates a chroot with aurutils set up, including a local pacman AUR repo, inside the chroot.
Added ability to git clone and build package independently to ease customization.
AUR packages are retained in the chroot for dependency usage.

NEWS FOR Oct 31, 2021
Initial release of the aurch script.
The script is in the testing phase.