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What do you want to see in this game?
Making a game is a lot of fun but it's also a lot of work. If we don't have a solid goal in mind, we're gonna end up with a bunch of piece of code that work right, but an unfinished or unplayable game. Or, we'll never even get to "the end", because we'll have so much to consider that it's hard to write a single line of code without architecting around every other change that can be made.
So, with that in mind, I'd like for you to post as many ideas as you have for this project in this thread.
However, I want you to post your ideas ONE IDEA AT A TIME so we can vote on them, rate them, and come up with a plan for a "1.0" release. I think we could, if everyone stays active, incorporate -every- idea that comes along in this thread... However, we'll need to define a feature set for what we consider the a good first release.
This thread isn't to determine what a first release looks like, but it is to find out, amongst the members of the team, what -your- idea for this game is.
If someone else has posted your idea, or you like someone else's idea, hit the thumbs up on the bottom left of their comment.
All assets (sound, graphics, typography) are created procedurally by the game code.
I feel we can make the game unique and -ours- by creating all of the visuals, audio, and type using code instead of adding pngs and wav files.
Make the game run on a server, aka multiplayer with people joining like
Progression system, with money collected from destroying asteroids (think of it as asteroid mining) or other enemies/players.
Enemy AI
Adding onto the multiplayer idea,
When you shoot an asteroid it creates a nebular (color coded to owner) amount of nebula gas released varies depending on wether the asteroid is split or destroyed, and how large the asteroid is.
Score is based on total nebula volume.
Players can capture enemy nebula by destroying asteroids within them.
When a player kills another player, the dead players nebula territory disappears.
Start screen
Settings, with volume controls, possibly zoom level unless we want to include that into gameplay (radar upgrade that gives you a bigger view of the world anyone?) and possibly controls rebinding.
A minimap that shows your position in the world, the asteroids and other players as small pixels in the corner