Coders Brothers
Coders Brothers
Its possible use with "Mongoose", instead of "mongo" module? Thanks.
I want put a url and read sourcecode and save in gridfs. I use this function to read sourceCodes: ``` function getSourceCode(url, callback){ // Obtenemos el código fuente http.get(url, function(res)...
KISS: Keep it simple stupid. Please make it this for static files plugins, all people have the same problem, in my ofice 5 persons give me the same as bug!!...
Hi, I want to use Google Cloud Platform to run our services for the QA environment. We have, with my traditional DNS configuration ( For over Google Cloud...
I use read for run app.js script, but I need that this script runs as background. Will be cool this feature.
I im deploying a BWS server. As a BWS is a plugin of Bitcore Node, so ... Whats happens if one Bitcore node is not synchronized? Will be possible run...
When you want create a split wallet now bitaddress generate plain shares. This is a big problem, you need trust in the manager or the distributor. I'm thinking in this:...
If you are using Restify, the normal error have this schema example: ``` { "code": "ResourceNotFound", "message": "/v1/test does not exist" } ``` Have **code** and **message**. But in restify-validator...
Will be cool a property to support file uploads: ``` json { "image": { "description": "Profile image", "scope": "body", "isRequired": true, "isFile": true } } ```