Microservice.PoC.Steeltoe copied to clipboard
This is one sample microservice project developed by ASP.NET Core with Spring Cloud based on Steeltoe (http://steeltoe.io/).
Steeltoe is an open source project that enables .NET developers to implement industry standard best practices when building resilient microservices for the cloud. The Steeltoe client libraries enable .NET Core and .NET Framework apps to easily leverage Netflix Eureka, Hystrix, Spring Cloud Config Server, and Cloud Foundry services.
For more details, please read its offical website.
What's more, Pivotal provide a sample application on Github
Steeltoe enable .NET/.NET Core to use the below components at this moment:
- Service Discovery
- Config Server
- Circuit Breaker
- Cloud Connectors
About this sample
This sample is a microservice project developed by ASP.Net Core with Spring Cloud based on Steeltoe, it integrated with the below Spring Cloud components:
- Eureka : Java-EurekaServer, Chapter1-ServiceDiscovery
- Zuul : Java-ZuulServer, Chapter1-ServiceDiscovery
- Hystrix : Java-Dashboard, Chapter2-CircuitBreaker
- Config Server : Java-ConfigServer, Chapter3-ConfigServer
- Distributed Tracing : Java-ZipkinServer, Chapter4-DistributedTracing
Some test captured screens
Service Discovery :
API Gateway :
Circuit Breaker :
Config :
Distributed Tracing :
To use Steeltoe in .Net Core, we can use the below NuGet packages:
Service Discovery Client
PM> Install-Package Pivotal.Discovery.ClientCore
Circuit Breaker Core
PM> Install-Package Steeltoe.CircuitBreaker.HystrixCore
Hystrix Metrics
PM> Install-Package Steeltoe.CircuitBreaker.Hystrix.MetricsEventsCore
PM> Install-Package Steeltoe.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigServerCore
Distributed Tracing
PM> Install-Package Steeltoe.Extensions.Logging.DynamicLogger
PM> Install-Package Steeltoe.Management.ExporterCore
PM> Install-Package Steeltoe.Management.TracingCore