ResponsiveFramework copied to clipboard
`the method 'ConditionalRouteWidget' isn't defined`
I am using the new version 1.0.0
but there is no ConditionalRouteWidget
i think this working fine with me
onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
// A custom fadeThrough
route transition animation.
return Routes.fadeThrough(settings, (context) => MaxWidthBox(
// A widget that limits the maximum width.
// This is used to create a gutter area on either side of the content.
maxWidth: 1200,
background: Container(color: const Color(0xFFF5F5F5)),
child: ResponsiveScaledBox(
// ResponsiveScaledBox renders its child with a FittedBox set to the width
// Set the fixed width value based on the active breakpoint.
width: ResponsiveValuemaxWidth
is set to 1200 via the MaxWidthBox.
child: BouncingScrollWrapper.builder(
context, buildPage( ?? ''),
dragWithMouse: true))
// child: child!),
// child: BouncingScrollWrapper.builder(
// context, buildPage( ?? ''),
// dragWithMouse: true));
I'm having the same issue. In the responsive_framework.dart I only see these files exported:
library responsive_framework;
export 'breakpoint.dart';
export 'max_width_box.dart';
export 'responsive_breakpoints.dart';
export 'responsive_grid.dart';
export 'responsive_row_column.dart';
export 'responsive_scaled_box.dart';
export 'responsive_value.dart';
export 'utils/scroll_behavior.dart';
The minimal web site sample code is showing that the ConditionalRouteWidget is undefined when you get all the dependencies.
I am using the new version
but there is noConditionalRouteWidget
Check here,
Apologies for the confusion. ConditionalRouteWidget is from my other NavigationUtils package.
I'll remove it from the example in the next release to avoid confusion.
Learning moment for me :heart: :book: