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Created type error in python errors entry
Added information and example of Type Error in Python Errors entry.
Type of Change
- Editing an existing entry (fixing a typo, bug, issues, etc)
- Updating the documentation
- [x] All writings are my own.
- [x] My entry follows the Codecademy Docs style guide.
- [x] My changes generate no new warnings.
- [x] I have performed a self-review of my own writing and code.
- [x] I have checked my entry and corrected any misspellings.
- [x] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation if needed.
- [x] I have confirmed my changes are not being pushed from my forked
branch. - [x] I have confirmed that I'm pushing from a new branch named after the changes I'm making.
- [x] Under "Development" on the right, I have linked any issues that are relevant to this PR (write "Closes #
in the "Description" above).
@Dusch4593 I think I was able to fix the things you pointed out. Do I need to do something to request feedback again?
@Dusch4593 Thanks for the feedback I corrected the last single-quote and the test passed locally, so hopefully it's all good. Also sorry I did not sync my branch with main before doing the latest correction. In general should I rebase or merge the main changes?
@sharkipelago, No worries, I merged it when running the checks on your PR.
@Dusch4593 Made the corrections :)
Congratulations @sharkipelago, it looks like your changes were merged and are now live in the Python: Errors entry! 🎉 🎊
Quick question, though. Is your GitHub handle linked to your Codecademy profile? Although I see your changes, I don't see your profile credited near the top-right:

@Dusch4593 Thanks for merging them! I think my github account is linked? I made this PR before linking it though, I'm not sure if that impacts anything. All I had to do was put my handle in the profile right?
@sharkipelago in addition to that, you may have to log out of your Codecademy account and re-login through your GitHub account. (see for more details)

After doing so, let's wait for a few minutes and check the Errors entry, again.