[Discord] nameless#0134: yes
[Discord] AstroSquared#1775: okay that seams reasonable
[Discord] RaffyRaffy14#9422: what I'm getting is that you can save and load your inventory like a saved toolbar
[Discord] CheaterTim#4399: I think thats basically it
[Discord] AstroSquared#1775: i think like when you leave dev mode it saves your inv and when you go back in dev mode it loads it again
[Discord] CheaterTim#4399: I might add that to my fork
[Discord] CheaterTim#4399: I have given up getting my changes merged
[Discord] AstroSquared#1775: you should ping them
[Discord] AstroSquared#1775: on discord
[Discord] AstroSquared#1775: for them to review it again