CodeUtilities-2.0 copied to clipboard
:sparkles: Utilities created for a block game coding server.
back again with " 😭 😭 UDapodte to 1.18.2 :.OLO 😭 "
Update to 1.18,2
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**BUMP** Auto Click Messages doesn't work with /en 806 Windows 11 Reproduction: Hold an item in dev or build mode and do a command to edit is name Expected Result:...
When you have auto /rc on, it sometimes clears your inv
I am using a mac with the Minecraft launcher and an Xbox game pass for PC account. I have no idea why whenever I install codeutilites, the game is entirely...
A /codeutilshelp command that shows all the CodeUtilities commands. There's a lot of good commands that aren't really known/said anywhere like /templates, ect
automatic inventory backups
add node6 & 7 keybinds because they're absent in the latest build (804)