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Does mocktopus support mocking on method in different crate?
I have 2 creates in my project, base and service, and service crate based on base. And the code is something like this:
crate base {
fun get_users()
crate service {
import db;
fun get_users() -> vec<Users>{
let db_users = db.get_users();
if db_users.len() > 0 {
return db_users;
} else {
let users = vec!['a', 'b', 'c']
return users;
mod test {
import db:get_users()
fun test_get_user{
let results = Vec::new();
db.get_users.mock_safe( || MockResult::Return(Ok(results)));
assert_eq(get_users(), vec!['a', 'b', 'c']);
I expect db.get_users() is not called, but mock result returns, but it actually didn't respect the mock and goes to expect the real db.get_users() code. Does mocktopus support mocking on method in different crate or I made mistakes?
Thanks a lot
It should be possible. If the dependency is built with mocking enabled for the function, it will be available in the depdendee. You probably should add a special feature gate to enable that, the regular #[cfg(test)]
items are not enabled when built as a dependency.
I just ran into the same issue with a project I am working on and found this helpful:
I changed my Cargo.toml file to make mocktopus an optional dependency under dependencies
instead of dev-dependencies
and added a "mockable" feature:
mocktopus = { version = "*", optional = true }
mockable = ["mocktopus"]
In the dependency library I wished to mock I changed
use mocktopus::macros::*;
#[cfg(any(feature = "mockable", mockable))]
use mocktopus::macros::*;
#[cfg_attr(test, mockable)]
pub fn the_function_i_want_to_mock() {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "mockable", mockable)]
pub fn the_function_i_want_to_mock() {
and I enable the feature only when running tests with cargo +nightly test --features "mockable"
Thank you @ekump for the share, and I worked around in same way!