Intro-to-Vue-3 copied to clipboard
Cant download code with git cli
Please help: Iam not sure i make anything wrong, but this command
"gh repo clone Code-Pop/Intro-to-Vue-3/L5-end"
is not working, and this command
" gh repo clone Code-Pop/L5-end"
also not. What i make wrong. Whitch command i have to use? Or is it a error from the Repo?
Please help: Iam not sure i make anything wrong, but this command
"gh repo clone Code-Pop/Intro-to-Vue-3/L5-end"
is not working, and this command
" gh repo clone Code-Pop/L5-end"
also not. What i make wrong. Whitch command i have to use? Or is it a error from the Repo?
Hello Zugmaschine,
I am not sure about the gh syntax. I think you have to install to install "gh" first, no?
Here is what I did on Linux/Mac:
Let's say you want to clone the repo into a directory called "Vue3" on your computer.
mkdir Vue3
cd ~/Vue3
git clone
Then you can navigate between the different lessons.
cd ~/Vue3/Intro-to-Vue-3.git
// this is the copy inside the directory you have created into your computer.
git branch --show-current
// this tells you which branch you are.
git checkout --track origin/L5-start
// for example, if you want to go to the beginning of the lesson 5
git checkout -b L5-try
// I create a "try" branch to separate my own work, but I don't think it's necessary.
git checkout L5-end
// When you want to check the solution.
I hope this will help you to clone this repo.
git clone
Just run this command "git clone" (if you already have git installed in computer) if you don't have git installed and you are running on a linnux as i am; just run this command to install git " sudo apt-get install git-all "
Thank you. All was working at the end!